The pandemic – and the social and political unrest that erupted in its wake – has made it more important than ever to take responsibility for the one factor that is always within our sphere of control: Our own personal vibration.
I would tell myself to use this unparalleled time in human history to become a master of my own energy field, which is the sum total of our most dominant thoughts, feelings, moods, beliefs, perceptions, and expectations.
Ordinary human beings allow circumstances to define them. When things are going well in their outer world, they feel validated, important, and motivated to achieve. But when external sources no longer validate them, they feel deflated, defeated, and depressed.
I would advise myself to stay committed to maintaining a high personal vibration, and – each day and in each new situation – to deliberately choose the direction of my own thoughts. I would remind myself that I have the power to decide at the beginning of each new day who I want to be and how I want to feel – regardless of circumstance. An energy master, I would advise myself, remain resilient and self-reliant, in both good times and bad.