The world during 2020 and 2021 has reached the tipping point; pandemic’s effects still interfere lives of adolescents, but more of millennials’. In 2021, the oldest millennials turn 40 years old, and the youngest millennials turn 25 and start their 26th this year. They report a high level and frequency of physical and mental stress compared to other age groups.
Several studies and surveys found more physical and mental exhaustion levels among millennials, leading to severe depression and anxiety. What could possibly be causing stark burned out? Let’s dig into more of it.
Root Cause & Environmental Influence
Depression/anxiety is a curse caused by a mental imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Women are more prone to it, embraced sheltering in place, and start brainstorming, “can I use this big ‘pause’ to do something I always wanted to?” She could, still needs a bit of motivation. Hormonal changes may contribute to making things done and undone. Delays in completion boost abnormalities, recalling the sobering lessons COVID-19 taught about the SOPs and steps that would make the difference in the lives.
Most millennials are tech-savvy, political, open-minded and liberal, independent, selfish, and also lazy. Burnout factors for most millennials include stagnant income, long working hours, taking extra care of the family, increasing debts, among other reasons.
What millennials have to say?
According to a report, the average baby boomer at that time had to spend 306 hours at work to pay for four years of college. On the contrary, millennials have to put more effort and work 4,459 hours to pay for professional education or degree!
Furthermore, health care and other expenses pile up the financial burden. In 1960, the average annual health insurance was $146 for a person. Almost six years back, it reached $1,150 — a nine-fold more due to inflation!
Symptoms of burnout may include isolation, exhaustion, irritability, mental health issues, and frequent illnesses. Do you want to prevent yourself from this curse or already experiencing it and want to get rid of it? Try self-care techniques that can help you cope with mental depression and physical fatigue. These self-care techniques include having a balanced and healthy diet, indulge yourself in workouts and light training, sleep for at least eight hours a day, and most importantly if you avoid going out too much during this outbreak, give your loved ones at least a call.
Yoga, trampoline, painting, and meditation may also be beneficial activities.
Diverting attention from boredom, thinking about the world will end up soon, or pandemic has made lives challenging, is an option to respond to the positivity around you and the mother earth. Subsequently, colors contribute to mood swinging, investing time in learning graphic designing using digital devices can prove to be an excellent technique.
One of the most concurrent reasons behind millennials’ burnout is the lack of social activities. According to a study, where one thousand three hundred and thirty-five adults were interviewed. Researchers concluded that millennials are more prone to feel lonely compared to the previous generation.
Nonetheless, 30% of millennials stated that they often or always felt loneliness whereas 20% generation X and 15% of baby boomers said that they experienced the same.
Nonetheless, 30% of millennials stated that they often or always felt loneliness whereas 20% generation X and 15% of baby boomers said that they experienced the same.