Several weeks ago, when my kids’ school closed and my city shut down, my phone was blowing up. I received a barrage of rapid-fire text messages from well-meaning, but panicked people.

And the news headlines were no better. Five minutes into reading and it seemed the “roof was on fire”. I could feel my blood pressure rising.

So, while I stayed perfectly safe in my home, my mental health nosedived. The bombardment of negative input forced my mind to race and my body to buzz.

As a result, I found myself unable to sleep for several nights in a row, pacing the floors at all hours. What was happening?!

The Lights Come On

Finally, I experienced a sleep-deprived epiphany. IT WAS MY TECHNOLOGY.

My friends and family continued to react to the news, and I noticed I was compulsively checking it myself to stay ahead. My phone was a constant distraction.

In the space of a heartbeat, it had become an addiction.

Determined, I made a decision at 4:30 am (after a long night) that I refused to live in anxiety.

So, I unplugged for several days – choosing instead the motto:

Relax. Reset. Refocus.

And it was the most peaceful two days I’ve had in a long time.

I focused on my family. My self-care. My creative thinking. My health.

In fact, I dragged my feet when it came time to turn it back on. You simply can’t buy that kind of perfect tranquility!

And surprisingly, when I did re-enter the world of technology, I found that I didn’t miss a thing. A lot of freaking out and nonsense was about it.

The Lesson Learned

It was an unforgettable lesson. In times like these, it’s even more important to stay aware of whether you’re utilizing your technology in healthy ways – like texting your husband sweet messages instead of escaping into massive amounts of online shopping.

If you feel a little too attached to your phone during today’s craziness, it’s ok to take a step back. You’ll find that after two days you’ll regain your equilibrium, awareness, and peacefulness.

And return ready to take on whatever comes your way.