Are you able to consistently feel these emotions?
Are you interested in uplifting your Spirit?
Hopefully, your answer is yes.
Our lives are busy. Many of us lose sight to feelings and sensations unless, they are heavy and painful. The noise of distractions and our busy-ness takes away our natural ability to feel and sense finer vibrations.
Let us count the ways we get busy!
1 – Social media, business agendas, and news that promotes the latest and greatest fads, innovations, clothing, foods, diets, supplements, gifts and more. These sources constantly remind or sell us products and solutions to increase our value, status, worth and success.
2 – Doing, preparing, planning, socializing, and celebrating with friends, family, and others.
3 – Volunteering, working, supporting and caretaking.
4 – Dealing with stressful situations, commitments, deadlines, and responsibilities.
5 – Loving, hating, arguing, judging or struggling to stop feeling compromised in some way.
All this busy-ness means that joyful and happy vibes are reserved for specific accomplishments, vacations, meditation, or yoga.
Now, ask yourself…
What’s my priority for feeling good?
Would I like more joy and happiness?
What stops me from feeling those emotions?
Contemplate these questions. If you want to know more, read on.
Conscious Evolution is about embracing our inner creative genius. To do this, we must understand that 90% or more of our genius works in the background, totally unconscious to us.
We manifest this creative genius every day. It shows up to direct our efforts, make our decisions and create our experiences. In total, it attracts within the genius “attraction” model. This genius model includes beliefs, thoughts and programs that create success or disaster in our life. Our creative genius sets the stage for how we show up, what we create, and how we respond.
The Evolution of Consciousness
Become more conscious of finer and lighter vibes. With this priority, you embrace a Joyful Path for personal power, success and transformation. You evolve with intention, focus, priority, and awareness. You learn about cycles and seasons. You notice patterns. You uproot limiting beliefs. You embody passion, love and purpose. You collaborate, love and serve.
The Evolution of Consciousness is both individual and collective. It allows you to take your power back and, create a stronger presence.
The Evolution of Consciousness removes patterns, thoughts and behaviors that constrict your potentials.
The Evolution of Consciousness highlights the fact that you are a powerful creative genius.
The Evolution of Consciousness brings expansive leadership with knowing and awareness.
With all that being shared…. Let me give you a brief example of a popular myth that goes directly against our evolution. Many of us are told to “fake it till you make it.” Pause on that foolishness for a minute please. What exactly is the point? We want to be fake? We want to make it? Who are we faking? People see truth based on their perceptions. The only thing you are fooling here is yourself. Be real. Be you without apology or, damaging others in the process.
Better advice would be to stop faking your own success and, step into evolution. Decide to embrace contemplation, expansion, energy dynamics, personal awareness and, the power of choice.
Evolution involves truth, listening, and caring about ourselves and others around us. It’s not petty or competitive. With evolution, you understand that we are all connected, we choose our destiny and, we impact one another.
Evolution is about stepping into your potentials and, being the best version of you in any given moment.
Key Points on Your Joyful Path
1 – Neutralize your lens. Each day is an opportunity to experience bouts of happy, bouts of sad and everything in the middle. Remove the expectation of perfection, stop the worry or talk of impending doom. Counter each of those expectations – slow changes over time. Learn to relax your mind with an awareness of potentials and, expect nothing. Nothing avoids attachment or disappointment.
2 – Steady your focus to positive. One minute, one hour and one day is all the same. Choose to be positive, present and persistent regardless of circumstance. Be realistic and responsible but, remain focused on a positive response. 3 – Redefine success as following your heart. Your heart speaks to you – not of guilt – but, of loving action, allowance and surrender. Listen to your heart. Its tone is soft, humble and nurturing.
4 – Stop judging yourself, others and the happenings around you. There are many challenges that come your way. To make a mistake is human. Judgment is not observation. Judgement includes an element of disapproval, competition or egotism. Stand back and away. Take notes on because judgments point to your own personal shadows.
5 – Release negative or restrictive behaviors. Our habits define our potential as empowered and disempowered. Shift your habits by hacking your mind – changing your mind without shame or guilt.
6 – Embrace your imperfections. Love every stitch of you – your quirks, your body, your attitudes, your hair and more. Find a way to love what may not be to your liking. Find a way to love it anyways. Love allows us to accept ourselves, embrace next steps and transform our lives.
Gifts With Conscious Evolution
– Trust beyond logical understanding.
– Power up with positive vibes.
– Experience unconditional love.
– Step into clarity and positive action.
– Release negativity and inner conflict.
– Activate your energy body.
Now, all this is a “project of sorts” because, we are resistant and stubborn. That being said… it’s happening regardless.
Keep in mind…
Whether you are conscious or, not.
Whether you resonate with Empath or, not.
You, me and we are are evolving.
I hope you enjoyed this topic and, learned something new.
Stay tuned next month as we explore Expansive Leadership…
MICHELLE J. HOWE is The Wise Empath. Michelle is a powerful channel of high vibrational, healing energies. She serves today as an Awakening Speaker, Evolutionary Guide and a Master Healer. As a perpetual student of life, Michelle holds many healing certifications, and is a graduate of the Orin & DaBen Awakening Light Body Program. Michelle awakens and guides heart-centered individuals on the Path to Joyful Expansion.
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