We are all searching for that elusive environment where we can thrive. We want the right career. We want the right job. We want the right boss. If we have all those items we can thrive. Yet all those items are external. As much as our actions can influence them, we cannot truly control all of them. Thus, many of us struggle to thrive.
Yet those external factors are not the key to creating the perfect atmosphere for you to thrive. The key to enabling you to thrive is located inside of you. It is an internal solution. In order to thrive you must have the right beliefs, the right thinking, the right feelings and the right actions. Without those four factors no environment will reach the levels that it should. You cannot thrive without them.
That is why those four factors deserve your utmost attention. You must be unwavering in your efforts to achieve those four factors. Make no mistake; it will take a vast effort. You will not accomplish this feat overnight. You will have to work on it a little each day. Those days will accumulate and compound on each other. After some undefined period of time you will eventually arrive at your destination. You will thrive.
This will take patience. Do not get caught up in the need for immediate gratification. Be open to building in the absence of evidence. Be open to having faith that the actions you take today will benefit you deeply tomorrow. Be committed to the idea that your process works. With that commitment you will follow the process in good times and bad. You must wake up every morning with the goal to be Better.
Being Better is the goal and every goal needs a plan. Every plan in turn must be executed in order to meet the defined goal. To help you out here is a plan that you can follow to meet the goal of being Better each day. Every day of your life follow this process:
I am Reborn
Remind yourself that today is a new day. Today you must forgive yourself for your past mistakes. Today you must acknowledge and use the additional wisdom that was added yesterday. By reminding yourself that you are reborn you will be free to act without the weight of yesterday or the expectation of tomorrow. You can be fresh today.
Divinely Powerful
Remind yourself that you are connected to something greater than you. That connection is infinitely powerful. You have faith in that connection so you nurture it. By building on that connection each day you become more powerful as well. By reminding yourself of that connection you will be more open to take risks. You will be more willing to act in blind faith. You will be more willing to give and serve.
Think Abundance
Remind yourself of the abundance that exists in this world. You may not have access to it all but you know it is there. You know that in order to experience the abundance it must be your focus. Without your focus you will never experience it. By thinking abundance you will confidence today that anything is possible. That confidence will propel you to be your true self and not hold back.
Be Grateful
Remind yourself of everything you appreciate in your life. No matter how big or small you have much to appreciate. By acknowledging that fact you understand that life is a beautiful experience even in times of despair. Reminding yourself of the things you appreciate will ground you. It will help prepare you to take on whatever life has to offer today. Your day will be as good or as bad as you allow it to be.
Decisively Intent
Remind yourself of your intentions for the day. You must acknowledge what you want to get accomplished and why. By reminding yourself of your intent you make the decision to not be a victim to life. You are determined to assume full control. You may not get everything done today but what you do accomplish will matter.
Creators Create
Remind yourself of your ability to create today. You know that whatever you desire in life you will have to create it. By reminding yourself of this ability you become a catalyst for possibility. You open your mind to achieving greatness by giving to the world. Your power to create is a gift that you will continue to give until your last day. Knowing this excites you and propels you to act.
That is the plan. Complete that process every day and you are well on your way to accomplishing your goal. You will have the right beliefs, thinking, feelings and actions. This will allow you to eventually thrive in any environment. Following this daily will make you a little Better each day. That is the ultimate goal we all should strive to achieve.
Drew’s Reminders:
I am Reborn
Divinely Powerful
Think Abundance
Be Grateful
Decisively Intent
Creators Create