Vivek Garg, who is born in the month of October 28,1999. He is currently 19 years. He is natively from Cheeka, Haryana (India) and currently handling the position of Entrepreneur of Digital Marketing. Company known as VR Media Company. From last 7 years his Girlfriend is Ms.Rupali Garg who have interest in digital marketing too. She is working as CEO in VR Media Company.
Vivek Garg a Sportsman: He was good in outdoor games from his childhood some of the games like Football, his favourite player is Christina Ronaldo.He loves travelling and using social media.
Vivek Garg’s Profession: As we say dreams are not easy to get and Vivek was aware of it right from an early age. Vivek Garg works smart which can be seen in his family business he changed the pattern of selling things as he diverted the whole concept of his family business into exporting once he started exporting his Rice to other places his family business got new hope and good profit.
Vivek also holds his personal Digital Startup too called VR Media Company of Digital Marketing as his team is working for more than 100+ Celebs/Brands. He is also known as Digital Entrepreneur; He knows how to make people famous with the help of Digital Platform. So don’t get surprised if you see Vivek make it big in a few years’ time as he knows how to do it.
He is a true Haryanavi guy who is healthy with his body and Brain which is helping him to achieve big in life at a very small age. He loves his family a lot which can be seen in his through his lifestyle.
Vivek Garg has taken part in many social activities too, one of them is ‘Save Girl Child’ rally. He has actively worked for swatch Bharat Abhiyan at his place (Cheeka dist. Kaithal).
Final Words: Surely Vivek Garg has a bright future looking to his abilities and his dedication for work and love for sports. We can get a true definition of Entrepreneur in him who fights with heart, mind and knows the importance of team.

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