Today I am going to share something with you that will surely put a smile on your face. And lord knows we could use a good laugh as we all cope with social distancing and homeschooling.
One of my social media friends, TeeJ Mercer, aka Auntie TeeJ, is on social media every day reading books to children. This is great for the obvious reasons-those of us who are home with kids are looking for a break to be able to get our work done once we finish teaching our kids.
The only problem is you will be watching and laughing so hard at Auntie TeeJ you will have missed your “productivity window.”
So while the whole Teddy Riley v. Babyface thing was entertaining, and the D Nice music marathons are helping us get thru the day, Auntie TeeJ will give you and your kids life!
One of my favorite moments happened while Auntie TeeJ was reading Dr. Seuss. “LawdHamMussyGeezus,” a frustrated, sweating TeeJ exclaimed. ”Yall, I’m a Howard University graduate who worked on some of the biggest shows on TV, and I can’t get through a Dr. Seuss book?! Lawd, help us all,” said TeeJ, a twenty-five year Hollywood veteran.
As you can see, this isn’t your normal children’s book reading activity.
One of the best parts of Storytime With Auntie TeeJ is the Real, Real Lot song, which TeeJ made up with her then two-year-old niece. It doesn’t really have a consistent melody; she sings it differently every day and requires her crumb snatchers who are watching to mimic her, but it is punctuated by a very loud and dramatic “Whoooooohoooooo….Wheeeeeheeeee” at the end. So some parents aren’t exactly thrilled with that part!
The good news is we are all crumb snatchers now. Thank you, Auntie TeeJ.
You can catch Auntie TeeJ live at 2pm EST every weekday on instagram and Youtube.