Latest from David Samadi

Dr. David Samadi: Successfully stop complaining in 6 easy steps

Dr. David Samadi: Age well with smart, strategic planning

Dr David Samadi on why chronic anxiety is a ticking time bomb harming physical health

Dr. David Samadi: Embracing positive thoughts during the pandemic

Dr. David Samadi: 11 relaxing hobbies relieving stress while restoring good health

Dr. David Samadi: How to start a home yoga routine when living in a pandemic

Dr. David Samadi: For the sake of your health, choose kindness over hostility

Dr. David Samai: How COVID-19 stress is affecting you from head to toe

Dr. David Samadi: Best unconventional secrets to successfully lose COVID-19 weight gain

Dr. David Samadi: The astonishing body and mind benefits of exercising in the great outdoors – especially during a pandemic