Hey! I'm Heather Mattioni, holistic life and spiritual mentor and creator. My goal is one thing and one thing ONLY... My entire life philosophy is to simply love yourself and be yourself, always. No matter in life or my professional side, I follow this modo of HONESTY, AUTHENTICITY and EMPATHY.
Why? Because I finally figured it out and it feels GREAT!
After years of self-doubt and unworthiness, I AM finally living life in my authentic, soul-purpose as a Creator, Self-Love Inspire-er, Holistic Life and Spiritual Mentor and Speaker. I AM the Founder and Rev. of C.A.R.E. Holistic Center (Center for Aromatherapy, Reiki and Enlightenment) offering guidance towards the healing powers that already exist within you. I'm a core believer in "I AM", as affirmations, Law of Attraction (LOA) and manifestation concepts have skyrocketed my confidence and career. There was a time in my life when self-worth plummeted and self-love, well... I had very little. I felt lost and undeserving of happiness or success. But I was wrong! You can THRIVE just by being YOU!