Joan Epstein
Joan Epstein is a 64-year-old married mom and grandmother who was born, raised and still lives in Louisville, Kentucky. She met her husband, Mark Epstein, at an AEPi frat party her first weekend at Indiana University where she received her BA in 1978. In 1981, she received her Masters’ in Social Work from the University of Louisville. She retired in 2018 from the VA Hospital in Louisville, where she has spent the last 27 years of her career in a variety of positions including serving as a mental health therapist and working with traumatic brain injuries. In the past, she coordinated a support group for Jewish adoptive parents in the Louisville area. She is a Life Member of Hadassah and is now working part time at a Jewish preschool. The family has volunteered and rescued greyhounds for the last 25 years through Kentuckiana Greyhound Rescue and Greyhound Pets of America. She and Mark are the proud parents of Ross Epstein and grandparents of Leota Epstein.
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