John Rampton lives to grow companies online. In addition to Calendar, John has built (with an amazing team) over 4 unicorns over the past 10 years with over $18 billion in online revenue directly attributed to his teams. John was recently the "Top Online Influencer in the World" by Entrepreneur Magazine. Time Magazine recognized John as a motivational speaker that helps people find a "Sense of Meaning" in their lives. He currently advises and manages several companies in their growth strategies. John has a philosophy in his life and business: 1 in every 10 people you help will help you back. 1 in every 100 people you help will turn into a financial relationship. 1 in every 1000 people you help will turn into a multi-million dollar relationship over time. This means that you need to help 3 people a day and you'll be on your way to building a multi-million dollar relationship. When we talk about helping people, this means completely helping people without wanting anything in return. Helping brings joy. Helping has proved to be the most successful driver of business that I've ever seen.