Paula Toledo is a TEDx & WE Day Speaker, writer & founder of Ode to Wonder blog, published singer-songwriter, influencing change by raising awareness for mental well-being practices via play and social good. She shares hope, resources & communicates the need to eliminate the stigma surrounding Mental Illness, as a Mental Health Correspondent for Global TV Montreal and as a Certified Canadian Mental Health Association Advisor for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace.
She discovered ‘H.A.T.S. Off’, her mental well-being rituals based on self-compassion & discovery through play, following the mental illness and suicide of her late husband when her children were just two weeks and twenty-three months old. ‘H.A.T.S. Off’ an acronym for ‘humanity’, ‘arts and awareness’, ‘travel’ (discovery), and ‘sports’ (fitness recreation) - pillars of her mental well-being practice that she engages in on a daily basis - has received recognition and been featured by the Dukes and Duchesses of Sussex/Cambridge’s, Mental Health Charity, ‘Heads Together’, calling her story, one of 'hope'