Mr. Sandeep Pandit (an ex- corporate with almost 2 decades of successful experience in the corporate role and now the Life Alchemist, Founder & CEO of Soul in Harmony He mentors and coaches growth seekers who are aspiring and passionate to be their best versions and achieve Self Mastery. His 1:1 has transformational outcomes as confirmed by people who have experienced it themselves. His style is very different and intuitive. In his sessions, he blends Intuition, Psychotherapy, Neuroscience and Spirituality to transform and empower the individuals to start seeing their innate powers and start being themselves. He has worked with IBM, GE and CRISIL among other organisations. Sandeep Pandit has a mission to help 100 000 individuals to achieve Self-Mastery through health, super success, true happiness and inner peace and become Peaceful Warriors.