Stacey Dorenfeld of Los Angeles is living a life that she loves as a result of the people and experiences that she has been blessed with.A Life Member of Hadassah, Stacey was selected to represent Hadassah Southern California by attending the Jewish Public Affairs Committee (JPAC) Conference in Sacramento in 2015. There she met with various state Representatives and lobbied for human rights issues, which Hadassah has taken a stand on. Stacey has returned to Sacramento on behalf of Hadassah numerous times since that first experience and has also represented Hadassah several times on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., meeting with both federal and state legislators. In addition, Stacey is a sought-after trainer and speaker, and often leads workshops on the ins-and-outs of domestic advocacy. In recognition of her leadership she was elected as the Advocacy Chair serving on the 2019 Board of Hadassah Southern California, representing issues of importance to 20,000 Hadassah members throughout Los Angeles and the surrounding areas.