I am a Biogerontologist - a scientist studying the biology of ageing: its causes, its consequences, its challenges and the possibilities of intervention. I have more than 30 years of research and teaching experience in Biogerontology, since earning a PhD from the Medical Research Council, UK, and a post-doctoral degree of Doctor of Science, from Aarhus University, Denmark. Life journey started from Amritsar India (1955) and took me to Delhi, London and finally settling in Aarhus Denmark since 1984. Science, scientific manner of living and science communication are my drivers of life. Publishing hundreds of research papers, several academic books, a couple of books for children and the general readership have kept me continue on the same lines. Now that I am in my old age (or am I?), I want to contemplate how to live IN old age, and not just WITH old age. My private website is at: sureshrattan.com