In order to live harmoniously we also need to be able to processes our experiences properly. Like food for our body our experiences too feed us. Choosing the higher quality, in depth experiences to nourish the mind and spirit is as important as choosing wholesome and natural food that nourish the body.
Every creation goes through a cycle to sprout from nature’s consciousness. Specific conditions make our lives possible on earth and not suitable for other planets. We are constantly communicating with our environment whether consciously or unconsciously. What we choose to eat is one way that we interact with the environment in which we live in. Aligning our choices with nature’s basic cycles from season to season, day time to night time helps us live in harmony with our ecosystem. By the decisions we make as to when and what we choose to eat we are either honoring and celebrating our nature or going against it. You can observe how the earth responds to seasonal cycles by looking at what grows in summer versus fall. As a consequence of these natural cycles some fruits and vegetables can grow year round in certain areas while others only grow at specific times of the year. Eating locally grown food, which you can find at the farmer’s market near you will support your immunity and will help you stay in tune with the environment that you live in.
Another way we interact with the environment is through our work. Planning rest and work cycles based on the time of the day and the seasons is important as it determines our capacity to use and supply our energy. For instance, when sun gets stronger in summer and in midday we need to increase rest periods to avoid heat related illnesses when working outside. It also helps to schedule all high performance required work before midday in summer and until sunset in other seasons to achieve the best performance results especially if the work is physically done. Night time is for resting and recharging ourselves. If you have a desk job that requires you to sit over 3 hrs you need to consider stretching and going outside periodically to keep your attention sharp and your body energized. You don’t have to be a smoker to leave your building every couple hrs ? These rules can change under unusual circumstances like storms or when personal difficulties arise. However, we need to be in tune with what is happening in nature to maximize our well-being and to better respond to our dynamic life circumstances.
In order to live harmoniously we also need to be able to processes our experiences properly. Like food for our body our experiences too feed us. Choosing the higher quality, in depth experiences to nourish the mind and spirit is as important as choosing wholesome and natural food that nourish the body. Studies on thought and consciousness are emerging as fundamental aspects that are rapidly leading to a profound change in the paradigm of medicine and biology. What we think, believe, and invest our attention to makes a difference in how we experience life. Listening to podcasts, reading, writing, exercising, playing music positively affect our well-being whereas watching reality shows, browsing social media feeds aimlessly or eating out of boredom can affect us negatively and are energy diminishing choices. To live a wholesome life we need to direct our energy and attention intentionally.
Sometimes unwanted difficult situations arise beyond our capacity and we need to deal with them. Connecting with our experiences at difficult times from the observer’s seat helps us see more clearly and process them properly. To be willing to understand our problems gives us the opportunity to gain wisdom and inspiration from them while revealing our greater capacity as human beings. A daily meditation practice establishes us in a safe place to understand and process our experiences before the negative residues accumulate and harm us. How we listen to and respond to life’s events determines where we go next. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions because they too accumulate and manifest. You can eliminate all unhealthy thought patterns and bad habits before they manifest unwanted experiences by making intentional choices whenever you are able to choose for yourself. Keep and nourish the choices and habits that uplift you and the people around you. Just like passing a major exam in school and moving on to the next grade, when life brings problems we can learn better ways to respond so that the same difficulties don’t linger around. Better yet, through our learned experience we move to a place to keep exploring our potential.
Being established in this fundamental understanding will support you in living a wholesome life.