There are many successful entrepreneurs who have made a name for themselves in the real estate industry, however, very few of them are like Baskal Korkis. When such entrepreneur find success in a certain niche market, they often try to extract as much money from this before the opportunity is gone. Korkis distinguishes himself from such entrepreneurs by immersing himself in other businesses, as well as teaching others the art of his success.

Korkis became who he is today because he always envisioned it, he started learning about real estate investment at the age of 14. Now 35, Korkis has built a superb real estate portfolio that includes 16 buildings in the Tampa Bay area, as well as a number of other businesses that streamline his real estate deals. Korkis’ other businesses include an accounting firm, a rental company, a financial services company, an insurance agency that specializes in real estate investments, and a mortgage company that is a one-stop destination for real estate investors. Korkis’ approach with his companies is integral in saving time and money every step of the way, when closing a real estate deal.

Korkis attained such success because he always made it a priority to learn from the mistakes of others, doing everything he can to avoid any obstacles along, in order execute a deal to perfection. He seeks to teach others how to mirror his success via his Instagram and LinkedIn platforms, he is also selling online courses to those who want to find prosperity in the real estate industry. The best part about having a teacher like Korkis is that he has a proven approach that has helped him become the savvy entrepreneur he is today, this is all reflected in his online courses. He is so adamant about helping others, that he credits the money his students pay for his course for any potential refinance his students may want to do. He provides actionable tools and in-depth industry insight to his students, focusing on the minor nuances that are the cornerstones to success- such nuances that are not taught in school or any other similar course. Korkis is able to provide valuable educational insight to his students because he knows every angle of real estate, his multitude of companies are a testament to his knowledge and superiority as an educator. 

Korkis places monumental importance about not being complacent, he continues to educate himself and others about new opportunities. Although he enjoys teaching, he continues to build his real estate already robust real estate portfolio, making him the modern renaissance man for all things real estate.
