I would have to say that my success in life, career’s, weight loss and everything I have done comes down to being very creative, persistent, and most importantly being vulnerable enough to understand that we all have a voice, and we must follow our passion no matter what.

As part of my series about “How to write a book that sparks a movement” I had the great pleasure of interviewing Jason Rosell.

Jason Rosell is a american/spaniard TV personality, artist, life coach, celebrity trainer, author, social media coach and one of the world’s premiere lifestyle and wellness experts founder of the award winning global wellness brand CALIENTE FITNESS for both english and spanish audiences.

Jason is known for appearing on television shows such as The Steve Harvey Show, Jillian Michael’s “Sweat INC”, Hollywood Today Live, American Latino, All My Children, Saturday Night Live, VH1’s I Love New York, I Love Money and many more.

Thank you so much for joining us! Can you share the “backstory” about how you grew up?

The pleasure is mine! I was born and raised in Queens, New York. Both of my parents are from Spain and one side of my family is also from Puerto Rico.

Growing up for the first 9 years was pretty tough as both of my parents struggled to make ends meet. I was always a bit of a loaner kid that just entertained himself very well without having to have tons of friends as where I lived was not the best of neighborhoods at that time. Later on I moved to Alicante Spain, and later Madrid Spain. I was able to learn how to read, write and speak fluent Spanish and become also a citizen of Spain as well. I was overweight, bullied and depressed for most of my life. All of that pushed me even more as an adult to become a much better version of me today.

When you were younger, was there a book that you read that inspired you to take action or changed your life?

I would have to say the book Think Rich Grow Rich was an amazing book that I read and still do yearly. It empowered my mind and how I think about things to have a more fulfilling life and not give up. For the first twenty years of my life, there was a lot of chaos, and this book put a lot of clarity into life as a whole.

What was the moment or series of events that made you decide to bring your message to the greater world?

When it comes to social media, I kept on getting hundred’s of messages on a weekly basis asking me how did I grow my brand and do all the things I do to create awareness on both television and online. After years of emails and direct messages, I took initiative and created my e-book and video course “Instagram Power Growth.” This pretty much shows people how I started and a step by step breakdown on what anyone with a brand or social media page can do to create more awareness, followers, strategies along with generating sales online with a major strong on camera presence.

What impact did you hope to make when you wrote this book?

I just wanted to be able to create something that is super user friendly that anyone can easily read/listen/watch and take action to grow and expand their brand.

Did the actual results align with your expectations? Can you explain?

Absolutely! Many of the people who purchased my ebook/coursegot amazing results. I will say this, it only works if you do it weekly. Just like a workout and diet, you must follow the directions and stick with it. You can’t expect to go to the gym, take off your shirt later, look in the mirror and have muscles right? That works the same with this book. You must stay consistent. All of my clients and customers from this ebook/coursethat stayed consistent, got amazing results and still do.

What moment let you know that your book had started a movement?

A young mother in Arizona who purchased my book, emailed me three weeks later thanking me so much. She told me her online store page had grown in numbers, she had new fans, and sales were coming in left and right. I was so pleased and happy to hear this!

What kinds of things did you hear right away from readers? What are the most frequent things you hear from readers about your book now? Are they the same? Different?

One of the most common things that I hear feedback on and still until this day is that they took for granted new followers liking and commenting on their posts. One of the lessons I teach in my book is that you must engage with everyone on your social media posts so that your posts beat the algorithm. The more comments you have on your posts, the more visible it will be to people who follow you in addition to being placed on instagram’s top search page.

Have you experienced anything negative? Do you feel there are drawbacks to writing a book that starts such colossal conversation and change?

Thank God no I have not. All customers have given me great feedback.

Can you articulate why you think books in particular have the power to create movements, revolutions, and true change?

I feel that if you are not learning, you are not growing. Reading books, or listening to audio books (which is why I created a ebook and a visual video course,) can improve your life, business, relationships, and much more depending on what your goals are. I used to be lazy about reading most of my life. Now I read all the time, and encourage all of my clients, fans and followers to do the same. It really empowers your life and you are gaining brain muscle. You have to workout not only just your body, but your brain as well so you are always growing and become unstoppable.

What is the one habit you believe contributed the most to you becoming a bestselling writer?

I would have to say that my success in life, career’s, weight loss and everything I have done comes down to being very creative, persistent, and most importantly being vulnerable enough to understand that we all have a voice, and we must follow our passion no matter what.

What challenge or failure did you learn the most from in your writing career?

I did not go to school to be a writer. Same thing with with goes for many of the other things I have success in. Regardless if it is being a TV host, actor, celebrity trainer, etc., I had to start from the ground up and just study things on my own before getting good at it. So even though I didn’t get a diploma for being a writer, just like I got diplomas for other achievements in life, my biggest set back was living in fear. After failing many times and living in fear, one day I just kept at it non stop until the success happened. Now, I only look back to see how far I have come and recommend the same thing to others. Do not live in fear, go after your passion!

Many aspiring authors would love to make an impact similar to what you have done. What are the 5 things writers needs to know if they want to spark a movement with a book?

1. Create a super catchy title.

2. Your artwork should really stand out.

3. Do your research on other similar books before releasing yours.

4. Have as many people read it before you release it.

5. Don’t be afraid to put pause on your book release. Work on it until you are super happy and then release it. Many times people will say to just release it. I feel you have to do it when you are happy.

The world, of course, needs progress in many areas. What movement do you hope someone (or you!) starts next?

I hope I can empower people to not old back and live limitless. Do not let your fears block you from doing anything you are passionate about. If you are not good at something, learn the craft, master it and conquer it!

What is the website where people can get your book/course “Instagram Power Growth”?

They can get it at:https://www.jasonrosell.com/instagrampowergrowth

How can our readers follow you on social media?

Website — JasonRosell.com

Instagram — instagram.com/jasonroselllive

Facebook — facebook.com/jasonroselllive

Twitter — twitter.com/jasonroselllive

Youtube — youtube.com/JasonRosell

Thank you so much for these insights. It was a true pleasure to do this with you.

The pleasure was mine!


  • Sara Connell

    Bestselling Author & Writing Coach

    Sara Connell is an author and writing coach with a private practice in Chicago. She has appeared in Oprah, Good Morning America, NPR, The View and Katie Couric. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, Tri-Quarterly, Good Housekeeping, Parenting, IO Literary Journal, and Psychobabble. Her first book Bringing In Finn was nominated for ELLE magazine Book of the Year. www.saraconnell.com