In today’s tech-savvy society, online communication has become a dominant form of written expression. Long gone are the days of passing notes to friends and sending letters through the mail. Rather, teens and adults find it simple to post their latest thought, event or meal on the World Wide Web, hoping for friends and family to grant them a thumbs up or like. Is this new avenue of truly bettering a life, though? Most people argue that these pictures and updates keep families close, bridging the distance barrier, yet, the truth is that these transmissions could be hurting more than they help. Instead of focusing on what others think, it’s time to reclaim self-confidence and happiness. Here are reasons it’s time to abandon the online forums and embrace your individuality.

It Deflates Ego and Self-Worth

Although most posters believe that social media connects, the setup actually does the opposite. It breeds competition that could be detrimental to mental health. For instance, when a young teen posts a recent image, that picture becomes available for friends and family to see. Often, the upload isn’t just about putting something out there to share; it’s about receiving an intangible, “feel-good” reward. Because people can click on likes and add comments, this teenager is likely to pop on throughout the day, checking out who really noticed the image. If there are few likes, it’s demoralizing, evoking a feeling of sadness and lowering self-esteem. The youth may wonder why others haven’t noticed her when others have multiple likes for something similar.

Eliminating this connection cuts the emotional ties. Like a gambler giving up the thrill of the win, the poster sacrifices the ups and downs of exposure. Spend time feeling good about yourself, knowing that it’s not about what friends and colleagues think about you; it’s about being something you like and value. Protect yourself by finding out how to delete instagram account. It’s not enough to hide the application since the temptation would still be accessible.

It Restricts Creativity

Who are you really? Are you following trends and recommendations online, or are you taking a stand about what you care about? Online platforms such as Facebook and Instagram use algorithms to predict what you want to see and how you may react. Based on these theories, their systems show you what they think you may prefer. So, you aren’t enjoying everyone’s stories. They’re streamlining thoughts and limiting access to openness. By doing so, they are not encouraging free-thinking; they are boxing viewers into the same square.

While growing the homepage of Facebook, you should see new concepts, pushing yourself to explore. The list, however, is set up to limit that concept. Thoughts are then held in place and affirmed, leaving little wiggle room to branch out. Part of being you is trying out different hobbies and meeting various people. Actively engaging in something that increases your mental flow could boost your mood and decrease anxiety. Dopamine enters the brain, sparking inspiration and happiness.

It Reduces Productivity

Are you focused on the social media site or on accomplishing goals? Mental breaks are certainly one thing, but, for some, hopping onto a forum is distracting from something important. Many say it’s only going to be a few minutes; thirty minutes later, though, the viewer is still sucked into checking out other people’s lives. A rabbit hole has been entered and it’s hard to regain the initial thoughts required to get back to work. With the applications deleted, you have additional time to invest in personal interests and enhance productivity. Learn to play an instrument, read a new book or pick up a sport. This effort is about putting yourself first and forgetting about other people.

Before opening an application, think about why you’re making that move. If people want to know about you, they dial you up, asking about your adventures. Use that timeframe to achieve something. That intrinsic feeling is a reward that doesn’t involve comparison.
