According to a study, the average U.S. worker with insomnia causes its employer more than 11 days of lost labor input and a $ 2,000-3,000 drop in output per year. As a whole, the loss of production costs the U.S. economy up to about $ 63 billion a year. The study revealed that about 25% of the working-age population suffers from long-term sleep disorder.
There are many reasons for people being mentally exhausted nowadays, but one of the most important reasons is related to social pressures and performance through study, work, leisure and social media. We simply have too much to handle compared to the capacity of the brain and nervous system to process information coming from outside and the negative stress that develops from it. One solution may lie in enhancing the right kind of recovery. Sound simple? In fact, it is, because by increasing the power of sleep, a lot can be achieved. The only way to recover holistically is to invest in getting the parasympathetic nervous system activated. It only happens at rest. Without rest, recovery does not occur, and by recovery I don't only mean a reduction in distracting thoughts, but also on the cellular level. The parasympathetic nervous system makes sure that the body has enough energy available to produce various functions. If not enough attention is paid to this, both physiological and mental problems follow. The main and greatest pressures on occupational health and general health are related to symptoms of prolonged stress and overwork, and the most common of these are related to sleep quality, pain, intestinal symptoms, and mood and decreased performance. Nervously, this means too long state of over-activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which means that there has been not enough recovery. The daily recovery should be about 30% of the whole day. This practically means more than 7 hours a day. The data collected by the Finnish recovery specialist First Beat includes measurements of hundreds of thousands of people. According to First Beat's Jaakko Kotisaari, about half of the population suffers from recovery problems and the average daily recovery is about 25%. In practice, that 5% shortfall per day means an hourly deficit and is reflected in all aspects of well-being; work performance, exercise, general alertness, interpersonal relationships, sleep quality and mood, and health status. A study by the universities of Harvard and Michigan looked at the costs of sleep disorders with the help of 7,000 participants. According to the study, the average U.S. worker with insomnia causes its employer more than 11 days of lost labor input and a $ 2,000-3,000 drop in output per year. As a whole, the loss of production costs the U.S. economy up to about $ 63 billion a year. The study revealed that about 25% of the working-age population suffers from long-term sleep disorder. The problem of the quality of sleep and its irreversibility is widespread, and when prolonged, a sleep disorder leads to exhaustion, which has negative effects both at the individual level and economically. Treatment for exhaustion takes a long time and the costs are high. Therefore, each of us should pay attention to a high-quality recovery. Neurosonic has developed a method for enhancing the quality of sleep, its reversibility, and daily recovery. The effect is based on phenomena produced by whole-body vibration in the nervous system and circulation. A 10-minute session already taken in the middle of a work day creates a state in the nervous system that favors the onset of recovery mechanisms. The devices are easy to use and, according to research and customer experience, the method has wide-ranging effects in terms of endurance, various pains, recovery and sleep quality. From the above picture you can see the individual effect of the Neurosonic device on recovery as measured by the Oura wellness ring. The most important factors describing physical mental recovery are HRV, ie heart rate variability, and sleep power. The Neurosonic device was first used in March, and the images show how regular use promotes recovery through improved HRV, decreased resting heart rate, and improved sleep quality. A common phenomenon is that sleep time decreases as the power of sleep increases. The daytime alertness also improves through this.