I was supposed to be in LA shooting my two LinkedIn Learning courses based on my books Listful Thinking and Listful Living.
But because of Covid-19, I obviously couldn’t get on a plane and travel.
Instead, LinkedIn sent me all the equipment to shoot the courses in my apartment. My husband Jay helped me set up the lights and camera, and he even ran the teleprompter!
BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.
This was an unexpected situation, but we made it work. You can see some behind-the-scenes insights here!
We used our living room as the studio for the three days of the shoot. We set up the lighting that LinkedIn sent so that the video quality looked good. Their amazing team walked us through the setup step by step!
I also followed my own advice and did my own camera-ready makeup. Thanks to some tips from my friend and former colleague at Fox New Channel, Iren Halperin, I was able to create a professional look from home. Normally I would have had professional hair and makeup so I had to improvise!

Since I shot the courses from home, I had to make my apartment feel just as professional as a studio.
Even though I was recording just steps away from my kitchen, I tricked my brain into feeling like I was in a real studio by getting ready the same way I would have if I was in LA. Hair, makeup, clothes — the whole deal.

If you’ve been working from home, you’re probably tempted to wear your PJ pants while you’re on video calls. I know – they’re comfy!
But whether you’re recording a course or having a meeting, getting fully dressed will help put you in the right mood for being productive and professional.
I’m so excited to share these courses with you in the next couple of months. You can follow me on LinkedIn for updates.
My first course about being productive while working remotely goes live on Wednesday, July 1!
BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.