There is a huge pushElectricity Freedom System all over the world for homeowners to “go green.” Homes are traditionally known as energy cows. This drain on energy reserves can also be a drain on homeowner’s wallets. Going green can help not only the world but the homeowner as well. Insulation Insulation is included as a part of almost every new home built today. If you have an older home this may not be the case. Insulation was not generally added to homes built before the 1940’s. Homeowners with an older home should check to see if their home is insulated.

The most common type of insulation is cavity wall insulation. In the case of most homes insulation can easily be injected into the cavity between the two outside walls. Insulation will stop the conduction of heat into or out of your home and save the power you have traditionally used to heat or cool your home. Sometimes heat insulation in countries such as Japan, America, and the UK is funded by local power companies, so homeowners are urged to contact their power provider before installing insulation. Turning Out the Lights Another simple way to save the environment and homeowners’ money is buy turning out the lights.

Homeowners have been told for years that turning out lights when they leave a room will greatly reduce their power bills. But how many homeowners follow this advice? According to many studies only a small percentage of homeowners turn out lights when they leave the room. This is really unfortunate because turning out lights is a very simple way to save money and protect the environment. Most families do not use the majority of rooms in their homes. If they could turn out the lights in these rooms they could cut their power bills by 25 percent. Turning On the Lights Of course, you cannot live in the dark and you must have your lights on sometime.

Companies have recognized this need to balance the use of electricity and the need to preserve the environment and are now producing environmentally friendly light bulbs. These bulbs use a smaller percentage of electricity every time they are on in the home. They also last longer therefore producing less waste. Don’t forget to Flush Water bills rank right up there with power bills when it comes to both homeowners’ expenses and protecting the environment. Bathrooms are notorious for wasting water.