For years, we have heard the term “work-life balance” and different ways that working parents can achieve this. Due to Covid-19, many parents had to make adjustments to working from home while also balancing virtual school, work-life balance integration, and more. Entrepreneurs and business owners have suffered immensely during Covid-19 and have had to learn how to rebuild and maintain their small businesses while also managing their personal life. No one knows how long we will be living in this “new normal”, but it is critical to offer best practices for business owners and entrepreneurs to maintain a successful work-life balance.
As we are headed into 2021 and we remain living in this “new normal” we have to re-evaluate the ways we currently are maintaining work-life-balance and implement new techniques that will make for a successful year for 2021. Oftentimes parents prioritize their children and assist them with their needs and have trouble managing their work alongside helping their children. Utilizing these helpful tips for an achievable work-life balance will make your time at home less stressful and more productive.
Mother and Founder and CEO of Kafune Hair, Shemika Jackson has had to manage to be a successful entrepreneur during the pandemic as well as helping her young son manage school and other online learning. The tips that she has implemented into your daily allow you to manage time with her family and continue to successfully run her business.
Here are some tips that will help your work-life balance:
Wake Up Early
Waking up two to three hours early gives you time to enjoy the quiet of the morning and collect your thoughts before the day begins. Utilize this time to pray, meditate and recite your daily affirmations. “Reciting my daily affirmations every morning gives me the opportunity to put myself into a positive and productive mindset that will translate throughout my work and my personal life,” stated Jackson.
Review Your To-Do List
An additional daily practice that can keep yourself motivated and lower stress levels down while working from home is reviewing the work, activities and appointments that I have for the day. “Doing this allows me to process what I have ahead of me and it helps me to not feel as overwhelmed or rushed as I did pre-pandemic,” suggested Jackson. At the end of the day, it allows you to recognize the positive things that you were able to accomplish and complete which allows you to feel a sense of appreciation.
Designate Time For You and Your Family
Between Zoom meetings, training and development classes, it is difficult to find moments to spend time with your family while constantly being at home. Designate an hour out of your workday with no technology to spend quality time with your family. “I have learned to designate time for just my son just for him and me to do something together. No phone, no IPad, just him, myself, and an activity,” suggested Jackson. Also, incorporate activities for your children, so that they are learning as well including online classes and games. These classes are usually once a week and allow them to interact with other children as if they were pre-Covid.
By implementing these tips and integrating them into your daily work-life, it will help your productivity, efficiency and allow you to spend precious moments with the children in your life.