There is only a single way to get started, i.e., “Quit talking and begin doing!” All the departments of an organization working on achieving common goals. Sub-departments like administration, HR, marketing, sales, accounts, finance, research, and development, etc., undertake complex and numerous tasks easier to staff to accomplish the business objectives. However, all the departments have their own objectives, but they all need to work simultaneously to achieve common business goals. All the departments are necessary for business success, but HRD and marketing departments are the marvelous mag wheels of the business.
Unleash The Power Of Personnel Department And Marketing Department
The HR professionals ensure quality in the hiring process, error-free compensation, conflict-free working culture and health environment, communication and collaboration, etc., that are the main ingredients. That is for organizations’ success. To give a bit of spark to the essential human resource activity nowadays, they use hr management solutions that simplify their task. The personnel department solves each employee-centric issue, we can say the inhouse activities are under the control of the HR managers, while the outhouse activities that are consumer-centric are handled by the marketing department.
Additionally, online marketing and enterprises play a vital role in promoting a business, attracting potential users, and driving sales to accomplish the target profit margin. With the help of various technological tools, you can identify the targeted users and their needs and preferences. Without marketing, there are no sales, and without sales, there are no profits. All the businesses are running for a single objective that is earnings. Therefore, marketing is the key to accomplish profitable objectives.
I know what you are thinking? Why am I telling the importance of the marketing and HR department? What is the link behind the collaboration of both departments? Etc. Right? Just think! What if the employees of the marketing department are not satisfied with the organization’s HR policy? And what if the potential candidate (who wants to join the firm as a paid employee) found that the company is not good enough to satisfy their customers and employees? In both cases, the company will suffer a lot. I hope now you understand why the collaboration of the promotional and personnel team is essential. With the successful collaboration, the marketing and human resource department can work to enlarge the following key areas of an organization;
Employee Engagement
Workforce engagement is defined as an individual’s commitment towards an organization and their passion for their jobs. Manpower engagement reduces employee turnover, improves productivity, improves customer experience, and also retains both employees and end-users for a longer-term. The following image shows the importance of higher employee engagement;
(Image Source)
Now you can understand the importance of employee engagement. However, their satisfaction and retention are also equally essential. It is a universal truth, “Higher the engagement, higher the revenue of the firm.” The personnel is the frontline of employee engagement and satisfaction. It is their responsibility to influence high engagement rates. The collaboration between HR and the marketing department drives customer satisfaction. If the employees are satisfied and engaged with their jobs, they will put in their two hundred percent effort to attract the targeted users and increase sales.
Now, let us think about the reverse situation. Suppose the personnel manager fails to drive more employee engagement. In that case, they will face high employee turnover, high absenteeism, etc., which affects the whole working operation, and parallelly decreases customer experience. The new blend builds out a unique brand that ensures customer and employees’ loyalty and engagement. Satisfied and engaging users are strengthening the sales; that is why it influences the personnel to improve employee engagement.
Business Branding
Branding is a new way to enlarge your business through knowing your customers’ journey with you. Do you think you can remember a company with its logo? I guess you better know the company for its features and brand because it reflects everything about the customers. For example; The cars Bugatti Veyron are famous for millionaires. The brand Bugatti itself suggests luxury. Branding is essential not just because it provides a memorable impression but also shows what the end-users expect from you.
Improving a business brand is not an easy thing, but nothing is impossible when HR and marketers work together. When it comes to improving the business branding, a marketing team needs manpower that is efficient enough to empower the brand; according to their needs, the human resource manager finds candidates and recruits them to improve the business brand. According to traditional beliefs, employer branding is the responsibility of the personnel manager, while company branding relies on the marketing department. But that is wrong! Business branding is the responsibility of every employee of an organization.
The personnel and marketing department should work together, as they have the power to communicate with a large audience that is potential candidates or consumers so that they can take oral reviews and feedback from the users, which will help them improve their product/service and influence business branding. Moreover, if a business owner wants to convey something to the audience, then with the help of HR and marketing channels, they will pass the message to users quickly.
Organizational Culture
Working premise culture is defined as a blend of internal values and employees’ behavior, including beliefs and assumptions that how the staff members communicate and behave with each other, how the decisions are made, etc. A healthy and conflict-free working environment is not just a wish; the human resource manager turns their wish into reality.
No doubts! The human resource department plays a key role in developing organizational culture. But collaboration between the HR and marketing departments boosts the quality of working culture by reducing conflicts. Moreover, it builds positive relations between employees and employers and with customers. According to traditional beliefs, maintaining the core value of an organization is just a duty of the human resource department, but according to the modernized era, it is not. Maintaining the core values of an organization, keeping the goodwill of the business, improving the effectiveness of the firm, etc., is a part of the duty of each organization of the company. However, the marketing department and personnel managers have many outsider contacts, so organizational culture reflects from their behavior with an audience.
Build Relationships
All the businesses are running for a single purpose, that is, ‘revenue.’ The blend of HR and marketing departments makes complex things more manageable. The personnel manager looks at employee-centric things while the marketing department solves consumers’ queries. That is how they maintain inhouse and outhouse relations. Through honest communication with employees and users, supporting them and solving their queries on time, putting extra efforts to satisfy them, etc., the HR and marketing team always endeavors to retain both staff and employees for a longer-term.
Happiness and satisfaction of customers are essential, that is okay! But same, employee satisfaction is also a key to an organizations’ success. That is why the personnel manager and marketing team always try to keep both the workforce and the end-users for the long term.
On The Whole
A good thing in an organization, never done by one person. A team of people does them! That is why teamwork is key to making complex tasks more manageable. And the new trend of collaboration between personnel and the marketing department is such a bloom for an organization. The traditional belief says that each department of an organization should work separately, but modernization says harmony between each sub-departments makes the business operations simple. That is why improving HR and marketing departments’ collaboration is good for business’ health and growth.