When you ask someone what they think of when they hear the term “philanthropist” it’s common for them to imagine a wealthy successful business worker. The true definition of a philanthropist is a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. There are famous philanthropists located around the world but there are also some in your local community. To be a philanthropic leader you need to hold power that will be used positively. When communities are faced with an issue they normally look to a leader who may have the answers. Here are a few of the many components that are important while being a philanthropic leader.
Passion and Commitment
Many philanthropist organizations focus on one specific social issue in their area. As an individual, it is much easier for you to dip into a few at a time. Whether it’s child education or the homeless population, you must be committed to the work you do and put your best foot forward. When one has passion, the best results are delivered. People in your community who also care about these issues will follow your voice as long as you’re committed and not backing down until there is change.
Organize and Inform
The best way to get people from your community to come out is by organizing events. Starting with meetings that lead into the big event days are always helpful and can easily be done through Facebook groups. Social media is how many people are informed about just about anything these days so make sure to make your presence loud and proud. With this also comes the idea of being responsive to people’s questions online and in person. Although everyone has their perspective, their voices should be heard. The Advancing Equity and Opportunity Collaborative was specifically made to bring together leaders with a diversity of perspectives across 13 states in the south.
Learning from Peers
All philanthropist leaders are not just born with the knowledge and power to lead a village. They learned it from someone else with the intentions of spreading the word around their community. By sparking these social issue conversations you can learn more about yourself as a leader and expand your knowledge on issues. To keep the culture of philanthropy going strong, leaders need to continue to grow no matter how tough times may get. The people in your community trust your word, therefore you should trust theirs.
Originally published on: JayCohenNorthernLeasing.com