Sanskar Daryani is an exemplary car enthusiast, reviewer and vlogger who is blessed with the strength to touch lives and change them for the better. He is from the beautiful city of Indore in Madhya Pradesh. Ever since he was a child, he had a strong liking towards cars and their brands.With time he became the owner of numerous super luxury cars and the childhood liking developed into a passion.
Sanskar is actively involved in the creation of entertaining and informative video blogs about the super cars that he drives.
Children dream of becoming many things at an early age as the possibilities are endless for youthful minds. However, as they grow older, they become more uncertain of what they want to do as they near adulthood. Positivity can be hard to maintain particularly when it comes to the current situation of the world around us. However, it is key to finding your success in life. Being positive is among one of the most sought after attributes that individuals have. Being optimistic is a skill. And it is a learned skill says Sanskar Daryani
Optimism is a talent obtained like anything else. Some people are born with it, and others work hard to gain it. But at the end of the day, anyone can be optimistic. One of the simplest but most effective ways to build a more positive outlook has in my experience been to ask more helpful questions as often as possible.
When I am in what seems like a negative situation – maybe I have been lazy, made a mistake, failed or stumbled in some kind of way – then I like to ask myself questions like:
- What is one thing that is positive or good about this situation?
- What is one opportunity within this situation?
Every day has something positive in it. Some days you just have to look a little harder.
Here are things you can do to bring positivity and happiness into your life.
Follow your passion
Do something you feel excited about. Volunteer for a cause you believe in or sign up for a class to learn something new. Several studies have shown that people who feel a sense of meaning in their life are healthier, live longer and have greater life satisfaction.
Express What You Are Grateful For
Even in the worst of times, most of us realize that we still have things in our lives for which we are grateful. Voice those blessings!
Practice gratitude. Talk about the things you are grateful for with your closest friends, your support group. Keep a gratitude journal to capture the thankfulness you feel for what you have on a daily basis.
Focus on the good things
Challenging situations and obstacles are a part of life. When you’re faced with one, focus on the good things no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they seem. If you look for it, you can always find the proverbial silver lining in every cloud — even if it’s not immediately obvious.
Spend time with positive people
Negativity and positivity have been shown to be contagious. Consider the people with whom you’re spending time. Have you noticed how someone in a bad mood can bring down almost everyone in a room? A positive person has the opposite effect on others.
Being around positive people has been shown to improve self-esteem and increase your chances of reaching goals. Surround yourself with people who will lift you up and help you see the bright side.
“Don’t hang with negative people. They will pull you down with them. Instead, invite them into your light and together you will both shine strong.”
Look, life’s not always pretty. And we tend to overemphasize the bad times. When we experience a setback or negativity, we blow it up in our minds. “This is the worst thing ever.”
Think about it. Is it really? Or is there a way you can improve your life situation? Because that’s how I like to look at it. Where you are now is a temporary situation. No matter how good or bad it is—this very moment will pass. Do you realize that? Because if you do, you know that you have a chance to improve your life. And to me, that’s the best use of your time and energy quoted Sanskar.