Former National Wedding Sales Manager, Elaine Rau lost her brother-in-law, her job, and her home all in one week. Stuck in a developing country with no job opportunities, she had to learn how to make an income online… ASAP. So she spent her last bit of savings–$12.18–to be exact and invested in a blog domain: LadyBossBlogger.com.
Since its inception, LadyBossBlogger has garnered a massive audience of 150K in under 2 years. It’s a platform that helps female entrepreneurs learn how to start, grow, and scale their own online businesses and blogs.
What is your backstory?
I went from devoting my life to my job as the National Wedding Sales Manager, to quitting and moving overseas to Honduras where my boyfriend and his family lived because my boss wouldn’t let me help bury his brother who had just been murdered… his reason was that it would affect sales. When I was overseas, I accidentally starting my own business out of necessity from my new circumstances. The full story is on my blog at LadyBossBlogger.com. 😉
What was your inspiration for launching Lady Boss Blogger? I wanted to learn how to become a Lady Boss and a Blogger. I was my first student, and now I’ve taught thousands of other ladies what I originally taught myself and have created an academy online for women looking to become full-time bloggers, influencers and online entrepreneurs. These are my 3 signature courses:
1. Start A Money Making Blog; 2. Make Money As An Influencer
3. Start And Monetize Email List
What milestones has the business hit in the last year?
1. I tripled my team in a year–last summer I had six people, this summer I have 17!
2. I wanted to start speaking at conferences–last year I spoke at a dozen places and this year I’m scheduled to speak at a conference in Ohio, women’s retreat in Brazil, talk show in Taiwan, event in Atlanta, and another retreat in Iceland!
What new projects are you currently working on?
We just launched our latest Instagram account @LadyBossIllustrations where we illustrate the women we interview on the blog. Here is how to get interviewed.
What wellness tips do you have for other entrepreneurs?
The greatest wealth is health–build a life-giving activity into your schedule every single day. This could be going on a walk while listening to a podcast, hanging out with friends around a healthy meal, eating an apple in front of the TV, whatever relaxes you, AND keeps your health up.
What is your leadership style?
I like to empower the ladies on my team to take responsibility, train the new girls, and come up with new ideas. I love creative masterminds and am very open to new suggestions and ideas from my team and like to stay open to what is current and relevant.
I know how to do all the positions on my team because I did them all in the past, which is why I’m great at delegation because I know their roles inside and out. Here is a list of our current positions if you’d like to join the team: ladybossblogger.com/career.
What is your favorite quote?
If you want it, work for it.
What are some of your favorite books and podcasts?
5 Day Weekend – this book transformed my way of thinking. My favorite quote from the book is, “If you don’t find a way to make money in your sleep, you will work until you die.”
How do you manage work-life balance?
I don’t stuff my schedule full of events and responsibilities. The choice to say YES or NO is a very important one, make sure to only say yes to things that give you energy. I recently started to take the weekend off as well and stop working at 8 PM to do a mindless activity such as watching a good TV show and hanging out with my husband before I go to bed around 11:30.