What do you say?
Why should I do it?
Is it really necessary?
Covid-19 has changed everything. It has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and hospitalized many more. To halt its spread, governments enacted strict lockdowns that shuttered many parts of the economy.
This is an anxious time for workers in all industries and sectors. Our resilience as people is being put to the test. Our ability to adapt to and overcome adversity and disruption is being stretched. Many are rising to the task. But there is another type of resiliency that is also being tested.
Our career resiliency is our ability to adjust to new developments in our chosen profession as well as to adapt to new market conditions. And both of these are happening right now. Career resiliency will help you bolster your standing among colleagues and give you the confidence to progress in your field. In these trying times, it can also help safeguard your position.
So, if it’s that important, how do you go about building career resiliency?
Strategy 1: Grow Your Network
With social and professional events mostly paused right now, you would think it’s a difficult time to expand your network. The first step is to strengthen your current network. That means contacting people you already know and building on your relationships. Clients and peers can be called upon about their experience and about what you can do for them. This type of field research can enhance your reputation, keep you updated on developments and give you ideas on how you can become a better professional partner.
But there are also chances to expand your existing network. Working from home means you have more time to commit to things other than travel. Updating your LinkedIn profile is one way to build a network. Reach out to two people a day in an industry or area that you want to know more about and might be considering for employment. Visibility on LinkedIn can bring many opportunities. Commenting, posting links to articles, or even writing your own articles all help.
Strategy 2: Setbacks and Crises are Opportunities
This strategy is about shifting your mindset. Difficulties and obstacles at work are stressful events because we try to get them out of the way as quickly as possible. Covid-19 is one crisis though that we can’t get rid of, not matter how much we try. Yet we can use it, like with the above example of networking, as an opportunity.
This mindset can be carried over into other situations. When we look at things with a mind to learning from them, we develop new skills and build on others, leading to greater career resilience.
Strategy 3: Accept Change
A major point of career resilience is adapting to changing circumstances. You can’t bury your head in the sand and ignore these changes. Comfortable old systems are replaced by new, more efficient ones. It’s no use wanting for the old way. You’ll have to adapt.
New technologies and ways of working are being introduced. We have all had to adapt to working from home and to using video conferencing. Embrace these changes. This mindset is not just beneficial now but will help you build career resilience for the future too.
There’s more that can be done to build career resilience. In my next article, I’ll cover four more strategies that will help you, so keep your eye out for that.