When outsiders view entrepreneurs, it’s easy to make certain assumptions about their lifestyle and their personality. Many myths exist to both dissuade and encourage people to pursue entrepreneurship, but it’s important to do your own due diligence before spending time and money on anything.

Entrepreneurs Are Lonely/Succeed Alone

Contrary to many assumptions, a successful entrepreneur has a strong intrapreneurial team behind them to help maintain success. While it may be true that an entrepreneur might have the sole inspiration behind goods or services, the company’s intrapreneurs are still innovating and working from within their employer’s business. In addition, before an idea even gets from the inception stage to actuality, there needs to be enough financial support from investors as well as a strong faith in both the idea and the entrepreneur themselves. All of these come into play to help an entrepreneur realize their dreams. 

Having An Idea Is Enough

Everybody has an aHa moment at some point regarding a good or service that could be either invented or improved upon. However, many people don’t realize that it also takes a certain type of personality to do the work that is involved in launching a start-up. If you are a naturally-born entrepreneur, that means you feel a deep passion to pursue your idea. You can’t wait to get to the office each day. When you are off the clock, you are still on the clock, and you happily take work home with you because work is, essentially, your life. In terms of earning a salary, you understand that current revenue goes right back into the company. You also possess a set of both hard and soft skills to help the business thrive while networking with clients and potential customers. 

They Have No Life/Cannot Stop Working

Time management is a very important soft skill as an entrepreneur, both at work and at home.  Having your own schedule means you are free to have a social life, but you must be at the helm. Do the hardest thing first, also known as eating the frog. Mark Twain came up with that phrase to imply doing the most unpleasant/difficult task of the day first. After that, the rest of the day’s responsibilities will seem easier by comparison. In addition, when you have a large task ahead, break it into smaller chunks of progress. Since success breeds success, each goal will give the motivation to continue. When it comes to letting your brain have time to relax, it’s a known fact that the human brain needs time in-between tasks to reset and recharge, so do not keep yourself from having down-time. 

This article was originally published at https://cameronforni.net/
