The New York Times just listed exercising as the secret for aging well. Listing all of its amazing benefits exercising has to offer, there is one thing they forgot to mention, and that is that exercising can help you balance our technology life. Let me explain.

Athletes are probably what one may call the ultimate experts in exercising. “Becoming an athlete is a lifelong process that requires dedication, focus, and plenty of physical abilities… In addition to playing the sport, athletes also need to eat a healthy diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.” (source)

Across from athletes, on the other side of the spectrum we find the couch potatoesMerriam Webster dictionary defines couch potato as someone who spends little or no time exercising, and a great deal of time watching television. These days, smartphones are winning the race over TVs in consuming our time. We may not literally sit on a couch but we spend hours staring at our phones, whether it’s Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, social media, or just reading the news. Those hours count. The good news is that most of us are not couch potatoes, the bad news is that most of us are not professional athletes either. We all fall in between the two poles, and as long as we balance we should be OK.

Than how do we balance? Let’s check with our athletes

I recently came across this list called a Mind of an Athlete, where many of its suggestions seems to be very relevant to us all. I am warning you, it’s a lot of NOs but if we do (or actually don’t do) them, we will see a change in our lives. Here we go…

STOP acting like you are better than fellow students who aren’t athletes.

STOP talking or texting negatively about teammates, or anyone for that matter, behind their backs.

STOP staying up so late on Saturday night that you squander Sunday [turn off the phone at night, it will help you sleep].

STOP looking at social media while you lie in bed at night.

STOP showing the virtual world your life is perfect — no one’s is.

STOP suppressing emotions instead of constructively talking about them [especially when everything looks so perfect on Instagram for your friends].

STOP being selfish on the sidelines and not cheer on your teammates.

In the virtual world, STOP tagging some of your friends on a photo, and leaving the rest out — that’s not a behavior of a team player.

I told you, a lot of NOs but totally relevant!

I want to make a suggestion…What if we all adopt the Mind of an Athlete list of rules. Act in sportsmanship way online. You don’t have to be an athlete, just think like one. Once we start following it, the benefits will be amazing! To start we will see a drop in cyber-bullying, FOMO, anxiety and depression, and so much more.

I think we owe it to ourselves & the kids to give it a try!

Can you take the pledge and join me by making this change!


** If you have your own tips, or sportsmanship stories related to technology please share them with me at the comments section. I’d love to read and see how this will help us all. Thank you!I