Will you be happy Wednesday morning?
The election is Tuesday. Please vote. This is such an important election. Why is it so important?
Elections offer us an opportunity to feel heard. To voice our opinion and to hopefully make a difference in our government. But if your candidate doesn’t win, does that make your voice unheard?
Many would believe so.
The act of voting, in and of itself, is to share your opinion. To possibly make a change.
Much like the teachings in the Bhagavad Gita, we have a right to the work alone, not to the fruits of our labor.
You have the right to vote. Exercise this right.
But you do not have a right to the fruits of your labor. You do not have a right to the outcome of the election. It is the difference between your business and the Universe’s business.
Your business= Vote
Universe’s business= Who wins
Can you find the place within you that can trust that the Universe has a perfect plan and knows precisely who needs to be our next President? Can you also remain in a state of trust that everything is going to bless you regardless of who wins? Will your happiness be dependent on something outside of you? This trust is not simply limited to the election this week.
I’ll be happy when….
I’ll be happy when I get that job.
I’ll be happy when I have a partner.
I’ll be happy when my candidate wins the election.
These four words “I’ll be happy when…” are probably among the most disempowering words that exist. To allow an external condition to define your happiness is to:
Hand over your personal power.
Make the situation more important than you.
Devalue your worth.
Distrust the Universe’s plan of awesomeness.
Pause and take a moment today to determine how you can be happy in this moment, regardless of what is happening around you. How can you decide to be happy on Wednesday?
Happiness is an inside job.
There are very few things you can actually control in your life. You can control your breath and sometimes, if you meditate enough, you can control your thoughts…sometimes. This week, you can decide if you vote or not. Aside from these things, you cannot control many of the outside forces that exist. We exhaust ourselves in thinking we can and in attempting to do so. This insistence that we can control another human being leads us into a state of depression and a feeling that we are powerless. But powerless over whom?
Your internal world defines your external world.
Like attracts like. As you raise your vibration, there will be no issue over control because you will have learned to control what you can. As a result, you will begin to feel happier. You will attract happier people, happier situations and ultimately a happier life. If you remain in a state of worry and fear, you will also attract the same.
Join me for this incredible meditation, Finding Happiness regardless of outcome, this week as we release our attachments to this week’s hopes and exude a power that is far more reaching and effective. A personal power that will bring you lasting happiness and a knowing that everything is happening in perfect Divine order and in the perfect Divine way.