As an introverted solopreneur, how can you shine and show up to share our wisdom and expertise in ways that you enjoy? My answer is: Start from inside your Comfort Zone!

And this is where I’m a bit different from other experts who help introverts. I teach how to strategize from YOUR SPECIFIC Comfort Zone: You’ve been around long enough to have gathered a lot of people, places, situations, and skillsetsthat you’re comfortable with.

I often give the example of an extrovert and an introvert both wanting to get 100 new clients. The extrovert is going to come up with ways that are exciting for her – such as travel to a huge conference and meet lots of new people. This is inside her Comfort Zone – and unfortunately, it’s what we’re ALL advised to do.

But I say, why should the introvert have to do what’s inside the extrovert’s Comfort Zone to get her 100 new clients?? Why can’t she map out her own Comfort Zoneand identify what makes her feel enthusiastic? If she does that, she’s much more likely to shine, and therefore attract those 100 new clients.

Here’s a way to think about it:

  • Envision your desired goal or objective.
  • Gauge what people, places, situations, and skillsets are inside your Comfort Zone – meaning you feel comfortable and competent.
  • Use your “Connect-the-dots” thinking introvert superpower to start brainstorming how you can use one or more of those Comfort Zone items to start getting your 100 clients. (This is meant to be a relaxed, fun creative process.)
  • (A quick way to jumpstart your strategizing is to ask, “What would an extrovert advise me to do?” Then ask, “What would be the opposite of that?” There’s your starting point!)


For example: Let’s say that inside your Comfort Zone map, you have a friend who values your mission, and as you think about how she might be able to help, you remember that she’s connected to an influential podcaster. You reach out to her and share your goal with her and ask what’s the best way to become a guest on that podcast. (Often new guests are booked through referrals from previous guests.) Once you’ve done the podcast (with a Call to Action offer, of course), you can use the recording all kinds of ways on social media and blog posts to build and nurture your list.

Another example: If you’re one of the large percentage of introverts who are comfortable presenting (you just can’t stand the small talk before and after the event), your Comfort Zone map might reveal an organization you’re comfortable with that contains your ideal clients (or good referral partners). So you reach out and book a presentation. At the event, you make sure to send around a signup sheet for your newsletter and/or for follow-up appointments.

Another example: If writing is your comfortable superpower, perhaps you realize that your blog posts are ready to be formatted into book form around your main theme. You see that inside your Comfort Zone is a friend who’s skilled in publishing books on Amazon, and another friend is skilled in marketing and creating “buzz.” You schedule one-on-one coffee chats with each of them and plan your client-getting strategy using the book.

Yes, some of these strategies might involve an investment of money, but think of the money you didn’t spend by going to an expensive, soul-draining conference! And if money is REALLY an issue, I’ll bet you can use your thinking superpower to come up with totally free ways to start getting clients. (I can help with that!)

If you’re a woman solopreneur who’s tired of coping with the extrovert way and want to move forward in introvert brain-friendly ways, let’s talk! Let me know more about you and your challenges by clicking the green button you’ll find here: Connection call

“Thank you so much for such a valuable coaching session! It is exactly what I needed.” Debra B.


  • Summer Turner

    Empowering Introverts

    Summer Turner knows that introverts are more successful and fulfilled when they move forward in ways that honor their brain wiring instead of pushing themselves to act like extroverts. An experienced solution-focused strategy coach, course creator and instructor, Summer helps introverted women consultants, coaches and other solopreneurs creatively strategize introvert-brain-friendly paths to success and fulfillment. She has created a signature approach called The Tortoise Way™.