Often we get stuck in the wrong jobs and keep cursing the job and how we wish for that one career break that will allow us to pursue our dreams. We think we will do much better in the work we like and wait for that day to arrive.

Sadly that day passes by without us realizing as we are not ready to take the leap into the unknown. Many people don’t want to do the side hustle for their passion while at their day job and make life difficult for themselves.

Let us check a few tips and tricks that can help us skill us for that dream work.

  1. Connect with people of relevant industry on social media platforms like Linkedin and engage with them to get key insights.
  2. Drop the ego and build a portfolio. Work for free or dirt cheap rates to get the required experience. (Gradually increase your rates)
  3. Build your personal brand on Linkedin.
  4. Devote at least 2 hours daily on working on your dream project ( follow this strictly, no matter how much tired and busy you maybe)
  5. Do one thing at a time, don’t try too many things at once.
  6. Implement whatever you learn on a daily basis.
  7. Have your written goal in front of you.
  8. Don’t listen to naysayers and to thoughts which say you can’t make it.
  9. Measure your progress everyday ( by writing in a diary every night)
  10. If your work gets rejected, keep making iterations till it looks good
  11. Don’t ask for opinions from anyone who has not made it big in your desired field.

When you start to gain monetary gains in your side hustle, your confidence increases. In the end, there is no magic wand or magic potion that will make your dreams true. Only hard work coupled with a good strategy will work with a stubborn attitude to succeed.