Chad Meihuizen, is a fitnessmodel based out of Cape Town, South Africa. Chad started with modelling when he was 16, and this was after he won a modelling competition. For Chad, it was all about passion. His passion was not only limited to modelling, but also other hobbies like scuba diving and travelling. Just like his charming looks and personality, his resume and work portfolio is also similar. He has worked for many international brands.
Chad says that if you want a fit body, start by figuring out what suits your body so that you can tweak your diet and fitness goals to match. You’ll also need to adjust your diet to achieve model results.
Start counting your calories, recognize healthy diets, and make a weekly meal plan to help you stay on track. “Keep in mind that fit bodies aren’t the norm. Your natural frame is beautiful and you don’t need to conform to the rigorous standards of that industry.”,Chad further adds.
He says that if you want to maintain a fit body, you should tweak your exercise plan and diet accordingly. Cardio is the most important aspect, with light strength training. “You want to be lean without gaining a lot of visible muscle.”,headded. Chad works out five times a week, which is typical for male fitness models. Some days will be harder than others, depending on what exercises and muscle groups you’ll be working on. It’s important to take days off to rest your muscles.
A proper and healthy diet is of utmost importance. It is much easier to stay on track if you have a meal plan for the week. Map out what you plan to have for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks every day. Prepare your food yourself so you will have full control over what goes into it.
But never try to starve yourself, getting enough calories every day is crucial. Eat a balanced diet filled with grains, proteins vegetables, and fruits. Sugar wreaks havoc on your metabolism and health. Try to avoid empty calories and processed carbs and make every meal and snack as nutritious as possible.
Finally, always stay hydrated. “Since you are training so hard almost every day, your body will need all of the moisture it can get to prevent dehydration. Keep a bottle of water on you at all times and sip on it throughout the day.”, Chad adds.