At one point or another, anxiety is an affliction everyone experiences in varying degrees. Regardless of the cause, anxiety can be disruptive and sometimes life-altering in its severity. As easy as it is to become anxious, it is never as simple to rid yourself of it. The good news is that there are many different methods that everyone can try to ease the stress without resorting to taking medication.
Changing your perspective sounds easier than it really is. This method requires rewiring your brain, separating yourself from the stress and stressors, and altering your behaviors and thoughts. Shifting perspectives takes time, patience, and focus but can ultimately lead to a happier and healthier life that is free from major anxiety. Below are a few tried and true methods to help anyone along on their journey of easing stress.
Limit Your Mind From Wandering
Letting your mind wander to wherever it pleases usually leads to more stress as the brain tends to focus on the anxiety itself. Give yourself and your brain something concrete to focus on that has nothing to do with the stressful situation. Listen to instrumental music or your favorite audiobook. Mind puzzles have also been shown to focus your brain and increase cognitive ability, thereby giving you greater focus. Getting enough sleep can have a major impact on every aspect of your brain and bodily functions. Studies have shown adequate sleep can ease stress.
Many people struggle to find the cause of their anxiety and may need professional help to assist them in discovering the causes and the best solutions to their specific needs. Cognitive behavioral therapy operates on the premise that psychological distress is a result of faulty ways of thinking. A licensed therapist can decode those unhealthy thoughts and set you on a path to rewiring the way you think in order to lead a healthy life.
Mindfulness is an important step when it comes to resolving anxiety. This process includes breathing work, relaxation techniques, and body awareness. When you feel overcome with stress, focus on controlling your breathing instead of your thoughts. By transferring your mental energy into taking steady and even breaths, you regain control instead of letting your thoughts run away with you.
Diaphragmatic breathing has been shown to reduce stress hormones. To try it yourself, lie flat on your back. Place one hand on your chest and the other just under your ribs on your stomach. You should be able to feel your diaphragm. Breath in through your nose and feel the air push your lower hand. Exhale through your mouth as you contract your abdominal muscles.
Anxiety can be crippling, and most people struggle with it at last to some degree at at least one point in their lives. Changing your perspective is a difficult yet pivotal step in overcoming anxiety. This can be accomplished by focusing your thoughts, using therapy, and practicing mindfulness.
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