This article is a collaborative co-write by Betty Moon and Randy Radic.

Have you ever felt that sense that being closed off has put up invisible walls to your creativity?  Those that identify as creatives at heart or professionally often have difficulty opening up in many ways throughout life. While we can all experience that at random times, there are many who have continually felt stunted creatively and seek to move forward with more ease. As a career musician and producer of almost three decades, I discovered that revealing more of myself to the world, my friends and my family has produced a more streamlined process with my music for many reasons. Being open and vulnerable has opened a path to breaking down artistic barriers, leading to more fulfilment and providing many new options for bringing creativity to those who are seeking it. 

Be open to vulnerability:

Sometimes the fuel you need to initiate momentum with your creative work comes from beyond the original idea one had in mind. Being open with those around you regarding the excitement, challenges, doubts and fears can establish common ground with other creatives and those who support you like family, fans, friends and clients. Often these conversations lead to collaboration and ignite the spark of fresh ideas to get to the next level.

Document The Process:

Letting the outside world peer into the multiple steps throughout the creative process can be very rewarding and energizing. Not only will you receive encouragement and feedback from those who appreciate your work, but it’s a constant reminder that you are making progress and that all effort is put into this greater good. The fulfilment is in realizing that the creative process is about the journey, if not just as much (or more) than the final product.

Put meaning into your product:

Creating a product that reflects your emotions and current state of mind is therapeutic, and surprisingly can end up giving others a similar outlet of expression. This validation is priceless, as it ultimately helps others and yourself at the same time. A song, a piece of art or book can be the one thing that brightens someone’s day, helps them overcome self-doubt or inspires their own creative work. Be mindful and reflective knowing a piece of work is an expression of yourself, and also a potential tool for the recipient.

Create accountability:

Releasing pieces of your work, upcoming plans and finished products sets up a sense of accountability. As you inform the world of your commitments, you now have visible and invisible deadlines set and that feeling of “not wanting to let people down” kicks in. The creative mind can be full of doubt and reasons to procrastinate, but including others on your goals can be a great source of accountability to finish your creative work.

Update your blog:

Besides previewing pieces of art, photography and music, sometimes a heartfelt and no-filter type blog can help one’s flow and connect on a new level with their audience. Blogging can be like a journal that the world can read, and the candid nature of this work can be liberating. Blogging is not only a great marketing tool, but also helps one connect with their audience on a human level, and as many know people love to understand the person behind any product, business or creative work. Blogs can be deeply personal, promotional and very fun, and showing the human side of your project has been proven to lead to more fulfilment and success overall.

Everyone has their own unique way of expressing themselves and practicing vulnerability. What are some of the ways you have been candid during your creative ventures? How has it helped you reach your goals? Let us know in the comments below.

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