Children's Psychological Development and the Role of Parents

Child psychology contributes to the child’s growth and health, and parents can benefit from the tips of child psychiatrists to educate properly their Kids.

One of the most important factors that every parent should consider is having a good pediatrician. Of course, by raising a child, one can understand the different dimensions of his personality.

We need to learn what the child looks like in the world around us and how to teach them new skills. Become familiar with their feelings, and observe the changes they may make throughout life. All of which are subdivisions of child psychology.

As the child gets older, he or she will be in the developmental stages. Environment, genetics, cultural elements can greatly affect a child’s personality, and of course like the 4 C’s in Education, it is difficult to explain the path ahead for children and analyze their feelings. This is where child psychology comes in handy and provides valuable information.

What is Child Psychology?

Child psychology is the study of a child’s conscious and subconscious actions in which child psychologists examine how the child interacts with parents, themselves, and the world around them to understand their mental development.

Why is Child Psychology Important? 

Everyone wants to see healthy growth in their child, but sometimes it is not possible to tell if a child is normal or abnormal. But a child psychologists can help us understand the differences.

What are the Goals of Child Psychology?

Understanding a child’s natural and abnormal patterns of behavior helps parents better communicate, better understand issues to manage their emotions, and help their child progress further through life.

Psychologists also find the root of a child’s abnormal behaviors and help them cope with these problems. They also prevent, evaluate and diagnose problems such as autism.

There are some Root Causes of a Child’s Abnormal Behaviors:

Physical Growth

Physical development in children usually occurs in sequential phenomena. The first children learn how to raise their head, turn, walk and run. The psychologist examines their child’s physical characteristics, signs, and symptoms. It also examines for abnormalities in him and delays in the growth of a part of his body can indicate problems that may affect his psyche.

Mental Growth

There are various theories about the mental development of the child that have undergone many changes over the years. Now we all know that newborns are aware of their environment and are interested in it, even Before they open their mouths.

Mental development refers to the child’s learning and thinking process, which includes observing, understanding the world around him, learning a language, memory, decision-making, problem-solving, how to use the power of visualization, and how to use logic and reasoning.

All these factors are passed on to the child from genetics and environment.

Emotional Growth

The child’s emotional and social development is largely intertwined. Emotional development depends on how the child feels, understands, and expresses emotions. Emotional development begins in very young children, who often show emotions such as fear, pleasure, anger, and sadness.

As a child gets older, their emotions become more complex, and emotions such as self-confidence, hope, guilt, and pride develop.

Emotional development also includes the child’s ability to feel and understand the emotions of others. Emotions are hard for some children, and a psychologist or understanding the child’s psychology can be very helpful at this stage.

Emotional development can also greatly affect a child’s social development. A child’s emotional development also affects how they interact with others.

And social development is about how the child exerts social values, awareness, and skills against other people.

Child Psychology Topics That May Help Parents

There are many topics in child psychology that can be very helpful to parents. These people may try their best to be good parents but they can often fail. There are times when it becomes very difficult to interact with a child who is going through different stages of development.

  • Child Behavior

This is always a high-rated issue in psychological areas when it comes to kids. There are various problems that can happen with a child’s development. And parents need to know how to cope with each of these issues appropriately. For example, a child who is 12 months old intends to start problem-solving behaviors.

At 18 months, they use information gathered from personal experience and 5 sensory perceptions to make choices in their daily lives. During this time, the child’s mood may become difficult, and this is where they no longer rely solely on parental guidance.

When they start to discover their abilities, they may be disappointed because you try to prevent them from doing certain things. This type of experience will be repeated when the child first goes to preschool or kindergarten and graduates from elementary to high school. Parents should be aware of strategies such as offering choices to children or diverting their attention if difficult situations arise.

However, the punishment was once used as a primary method of dealing with unpleasant children. But today most psychologists and parents are doing positive feedback and reorientation as the main strategies to help their children.

  • Anger Management for Children

Children of all ages can experience anger management problems. The impacts of video games in our society need to study. As mentioned earlier, this can be a very difficult time for them as they go through the stages of growth. They try to evolve either on their own or as a result of the social cues they receive from their peers.

Dealing with children who experience anger management problems such as tandoor can be very problematic for adults. Whether this happens at home, or if children do at school, strategies should be put in place to redirect their anger or help them understand why what they are doing. They are wrong from a point of view other than themselves.

Of the four topics in child psychology, the next topic refers to one of the most important psychologists who has really understood these changes.

  • Eric Erickson Theory

Understanding the teachings of a psychologist is very useful for both transition periods and helps children deal with anger management issues. He is a psychologist who coined the term identity crisis. In essence, any imbalance in their personality is typically tied to the kind of transition they experience. Eric Erickson developed an eight-step system for dealing with an identity crisis.

That these changes are primarily due to biological pressures and growth changes, and that these transitions lead to identity changes. The eight-step system shows you how to deal with the identity crises that arise in these transitional situations. 

  • Social-Emotional Development

Finally, issues related to these stages of a child’s development include socio-emotional development.

Eric Erickson presented this theory as a kind of response to Freud’s psychological theories. He knew that life is nothing more than a series of crises that one must realize and tolerate its survival. He believed that these changes were not only experienced by children but would continue through adulthood.

Based on the feedback that children receive from their environment, especially in the social context. This affects their emotions and therefore emotions guide their decisions about how to deal appropriately with conflicts.


These are 4 topics of child psychology that should be studied by every parent. What parents need to understand is that children grow as a result of the changes that need to take place.

Together, these 4 topics in child psychology help parents improve their child’s ability to interact while enduring these issues. It also provides a good foundation for your children. Making sure they understand how to deal with these changes and crises properly.

Then they can pass on what they have learned from you to their children. You must help them realize a much more rational and focused way of coping with life changes. Understanding why these crises occur and how you deal with them if you want to be an ideal parent is crucial.

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