In looking for what can shift mass consciousness to where we care about each other as much as we care about ourselves, I got fascinated years ago by the crop circle phenomenon. Expensive scientific studies, funded by Laurence Rockefeller, showed there were changes to the plants and the soil that were impossible considering how things work on Earth. If we were being visited by another intelligence it would make everyone think again about who we are and what we’re doing here. We’d no longer be the big cheese in the universe and that would be good for us considering how arrogant we have become. The world is so mysterious that to presume we know it all is a delusion, and a humble species looking for answers is a lot healthier than a know-it-all one.

I spent a few years making two crop circle documentaries, as Executive Producer for CROP CIRCLES: Quest for Truth, and as filmmaker for What on Earth? With What on Earth? having gotten a good review in The New York Times, my movies still are turning heads. But, it wasn’t far enough to change the world, so I needed a next game to play. Rather than start from scratch, I thought I’d go with an established platform and I became a TEDx producer.

After a year of assembling a fully funded TEDx West Hollywood program, with the city of West Hollywood hosting it to christen its new, award-winning library, I was two weeks away from delivery when disaster struck. With world-class figures flying in to speak, TED canceled my license and I lost all my sponsorship. It’s a long story of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, with TED issuing new guidelines about what could be on a TED stage after pressure from Skeptics who were unhappy about anything outside the parameters of scientific materialism. TED just had removed Graham Hancock talking about ayahuasca and Rupert Sheldrake addressing “the science delusion” from the site where all TED talks are posted, which had caused an uproar where Nobel scientists were furious about this censorship. TEDx West Hollywood was victim #3. As Craig Weiler wrote, in What Really Happened at TED, “The reason that the controversy struck such a nerve among intellectuals was that this dust-up…was functioning as a proxy for a much larger controversy that’s been steadily pushing itself into the hallowed halls of science: the role of consciousness in physics.” Forty thousand of my dollars later, I delivered Brother Can You Spare a Paradigm? or Making the Quantum Leap. Then, I was back to square one about what my next platform was going to be.

Someone suggested a segue from delivering TED Talks to creating SUE Speaks, where SUE would stand for Searching for Unity in Everything, and for the last three years I’ve been inventing myself anew. Now, is a scrapbook for transformational change and I’m starting to do projects. I recently applied for a grant for Making L.A. a Friendlier City, which is a model for cities everywhere. This week, I launched a podcast, Searching for Unity in Everything: Meaningful Conversations with Meaningful People. And, these projects are in various stages of development:

  • 1. A worldwide minute of silence every day that’s in the spirit of the Minute of Silence in England that could have been what kept the Nazi’s from invading during World War II
  • 2. Creating a coalition of self-aware people that’s large enough to be a force for change
  • 3. A way to have brief conversations where random people all over the world share meaningful personal stories
  • 4. As everyone has a Facebook page, everyone would have an Appreciations page for others to post on  

My invitations are out to grab a cup of consciousness and join me, in one place or another, to create the more wonderful world our hearts know is possible.

PS: The speaker TED objected to most vigorously was Russell Targ, a physicist who helped develop the laser. His talk on my program, about ESP and remote viewing, has more than 3.5M views and still is climbing!!!!! TED also objected to Marianne Williamson, who now is a serious candidate for President.