Advancing into a leadership position is an exciting opportunity, but it also carries a great deal of responsibility. Most people feel a sense of apprehension upon stepping into a leadership role for the first time, but it’s important to keep those fears in perspective. When you realize that these are common fears, you can handle them a little better.

Undervaluing Your Self-Worth

It’s very common to feel as though you’re underqualified for a leadership position, but you can’t let that fear run wild. This is a common fear and you have probably felt it before, so you should draw on your past experiences in dealing with it. If that doesn’t help, look for a way to set that fear aside, so you can perform the roles of your new position to the best of your abilities. In time, you’ll forget you ever doubted your capabilities.

Losing Friends

Another common fear is that, as you assume the role of leader, you’ll be ruining the friendships you have had with your co-workers. In bold terms, if you’re not losing some friends, you’re doing something wrong. In your new position, a part of your job is to enforce the organization’s policies, so, if your team is violating those rules, they’re the ones putting you in the position of the enemy. Those who truly value their friendship with you will show the respect you deserve as their leader.

Making Tough Decisions

Once you step into the role of leader, you’ll be faced with the difficult decisions that you saw your own leaders face in the past. While you will make wrong decisions from time to time, you can’t let that fear lead you to inaction. A good leader will use their past experiences and intuition to make the best possible decision. If you can set your fear aside long enough to do that, you’ll either make a good decision, or you’ll have an opportunity to learn something more about being a leader.

You’re not the first one to doubt your ability to lead, but it’s important to deal with those fears in your own way. In time, you’ll forget that you ever entertained those doubts, and you’ll lead with more confidence. However, you have to be prepared to make mistakes and experience the ups and downs of leadership first.