Finding Hope

Anxiety and depression are very real conditions that many individuals suffer from. Seven percent of the United States population suffer from these conditions and fifteen percent will suffer from some form of depression throughout their life. Fifty percent of cases of depression, anxiety is associated. Women have a higher percentage than men in suffering from depression, suicidal thoughts and anxiety. The age range for having the worst depressive episodes are from ages eighteen to twenty-five. Even with the multitude of statistics out there to prove the reality that these conditions are very real, there is still stigma attached to these conditions.


In order to shed the stigma, people need to know they are not alone in suffering from these conditions. One of the hardest things to overcome is the ability to reach out to others for help. The importance of talking is crucial, reach out to family and friends. Some of the reasons for not reaching include feeling rejected, not being understood, or the perception, “these feelings will pass”. It can’t be emphasized enough that there are several options for people to talk to someone when they’re suffering. The internet has several groups for individuals to talk to others who suffer from suicidal thoughts, depression and anxiety. This gives individuals the opportunity to talk to people who can truly relate within the individuals comfort zone. Of course it is important to push comfort zones to overcome fears and one way to do so is actually meeting with a group of individuals. Of course, the option to talk to a therapist or counselor is there too and if you’re affiliated with a religious organization, a member is there to talk too. These individuals are there to help and give unbiased perception, ways to cope and heal.

Physical Changes

Of course anxiety and depression are a mental disorder, but these conditions absolutely tie into physically. Identifying physical changes due to the conditions and taking steps to be healthier physically can help with the mental aspects of these conditions. The easiest one to start with is analyzed sleep patterns, too little sleep and sleeping too much can be a contributing factor. Start an exercise regiment; walk for twenty minutes a day and the next week bump the time up every week. Exercise has proven to help release serotonin which helps alleviate depression. Make sure a healthy diet is being maintained. People either tend to rely on food for comfort or aren’t eating enough when they’re depressed. All of these ties in one of the biggest factors that can help and that’s creating structure.

Create Outlets

Any form of creating art gives the opportunity for individuals to express themselves. This creates a, “release” emotionally and gives a physical product that can bring satisfaction. Painting and writing are excellent emotional outlets. Tattoos have always been a form of art; the semicolon tattoo many people have gotten as a symbol of hope. A tangible acknowledgment of choosing to not commit suicide.


Depending on the severity and making changes in ones life aren’t getting the desired results, it’s important to talk to a doctor. There’s several medications that help with coping with anxiety and depression. It’s extremely crucial to be honest about symptoms and feelings in order to be prescribed the correct medication. Sometimes a medication doesn’t give the desired results and a different one is needed. Again, it’s very important to keep open communication with a doctor in order to get beneficial results from medication.

The first steps to overcoming anxiety and depression is pushing ourselves forward and to face our fears. Everyone’s depression and anxiety is different and different techniques will give different results. The most important factor is that no one is alone in suffering from these conditions. The opportunity to feel better is there and there’s several ways to get there. There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.
