Taking care of your mind and body is essential while you stay at home during the COVID-19 quarantine. During this time of social distancing, you may feel anxious, discouraged, or worried about your finances, your health, or that of your loved ones. It is important to remember that these feelings are normal and that each person can react differently. To maintain mental well-being and deal with anxiety during home isolation, learn some useful tips:

1. Look for information on labor rights 

The uncertainty associated with the context of the COVID-19 pandemic can generate fear and concern about various aspects of our lives; one way to reduce them is by looking for official and updated information. Learn about the support measures for workers and the procedures adopted by the corresponding Ministries and public institutions. Knowing the details about this can reduce your worry and help you feel more in control.

2. Plan practical things 

Determine how you can get the supplies you need for your home. You can ask neighbors or friends of the family, or look for a delivery service. If you are undergoing treatment or support for any physical or mental health problems you have, consider how to continue from home.

If you need medication on a regular basis, contact your GP and ask if they offer prescriptions over the phone. It is also recommended that you have a supply of them for two or three weeks. You can ask your pharmacy about the delivery of the medicine by delivery, or ask someone else to pick it up for you. It is important that you have a plan in case you need any specific help. You can have contacts on hand to call a taxi or request medical attention. 

3. Stay in touch with others

Maintaining healthy relationships with trusted people is important for the well-being of the mind. Think about how you can stay in touch with friends and family while you stay home, whether it’s by phone, messages, video calls, or social media.

The current situation is difficult, so keeping in touch with others could be of great help. It is normal to feel worried, scared or helpless. Remember that you can share your concerns with other people you trust. You can also take the opportunity to share positive experiences with your loved ones.

4. Take care of your body

Our physical health has a huge impact on how we feel. At times like these it can be easy to slip into unhealthy behavior patterns that end up making us feel worse. Try to eat healthy and balanced meals, drink enough water, and be physically active every day.  Avoid smoking, and try not to drink alcohol excessively.

5. Use strategies that helped you cope with other stressful situations

The reactions generated by the crisis related to COVID-19 can be diverse: some people have milder reactions and others may experience the situation with greater anxiety and concern. To deal with this and reduce stress, you can use strategies that in other difficult situations have already helped you to manage your emotions. 

Written by: Anzhela Kalsynova