You know that it is important to add positivity in your day. Contrasting opinions and wellness trends can make it challenging, though. It is easier and often more effective to stick with simple changes instead of becoming overwhelmed with major ones. Try making these 10 simple changes to see a positive effect on your day.

Eat More Plants

A plant-based diet is linked to better overall health outcomes, including more controlled blood sugar levels and reduced rates of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. Eating plans such as the Mediterranean and DASH diets are excellent examples of plant-based diets that combine healthy fruits and vegetables with rich oils, nuts and seafood for a health boost.

Spend Time Outside

A daily dose of fresh air and nature can do wonders for your physical and emotional health. Aim to spend at least 15-20 minutes outside every day, even if the weather is less than ideal.

Adjust Your Posture

Poor posture can hurt more than you back. It also often contributes to headaches and leg pain. Learn how to find the perfect posture for your body so you can sit and stand correctly — and avoid alignment-related health issues.

Learn Tai Chi

There are so many health benefits to this Chinese art that it’s no wonder it is practiced throughout the world. The gentle, controlled movements of Tai Chi help increase flexibility, reduce stress and can help regulate blood pressure. It has also been shown to greatly reduce the incidence of falls, which is a major benefit for older, at-risk adults.

Order the Fish

Fish is low in fat and rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, making it a heart-healthy lean protein. It is also loaded with vitamins D and B2 and minerals like calcium, zinc and potassium, to name a few. Most nutrition experts recommend eating at least two servings of fish per week. Fatty fish like salmon and sardines seem to offer added health benefits. You don’t have to break the bank to eat fish as a regular part of your diet. Canned versions are great for fish cakes or to add flavor to sauces.

Go To Bed Earlier

Most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. If you aren’t meeting that goal, try setting a regular time to start getting ready for bed that’s about an hour earlier than usual. Limit screen time during that period to help you fall asleep faster.

Choose the Stairs

Walking up and down stairs is an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise. it can also help build strong leg muscles. Instead of jumping in the elevator when you go to the office, take the stairs to your desired floor to sneak in a little extra physical activity.

Wash Your Hands

The simple act of washing your hands regularly can reduce rates of illness and infection. This should not come as a surprise. What does, however, is how many people overlook this basic health protocol. At a minimum, you should be washing your hands before and after preparing uncooked food, before you eat, after using the restroom  and after you sneeze or cough. All that soap and hot water can be harsh and drying, however, so install a water softener and use plenty of lotion to help keep them hydrated.

Pack a Lunch

Fast food and packaged convenience meals are loaded with things like fat, calories and preservatives. Instead of hitting the drive-through every day, pack a lunch and take it with you. That gives you full control over your food choices, so you can make healthy ones. Keeping a few snacks at your desk or in your bag reduces the number of times you give in to an unhealthy craving, too.

Floss Your Teeth 

You probably know that brushing your teeth is important to keep them clean and strong. Did you also realize how important daily flossing is? It helps prevent gum disease, which experts believe to be linked to an increased rate of inflammation and cardiovascular complications.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult. Gradually making simple changes to your everyday routine helps to make it manageable.
