There is a lot of crazy going on in the world. I know it’s a lot to take. Please be gentle with yourself as you navigate all that is happening right now.

We are being asked in this moment in time to be kind and gentle with ourselves, and at the same time to be fierce with our boundaries — standing strong for our values and priorities — and not giving our power way to anyone or anything.

It is from this space that I write to you today.

I have a BIG Birthday coming up next week. It’s been a bit daunting for me to come to the realization that I am, in fact, turning 50!

Yep, that’s right. The BIG 5–0.

Being the youngest sibling in my family, the youngest cousin amongst my generation, and typically one of the youngest students in my classes in school, I have always identified with “being young.”

It’s been quite a wake-up call for me over the last couple of years to realize that I’m not the youngest one in the room anymore. ; )

Over time, I have realized that turning 50 is a big, exciting step. I have certainly seen many of my friends turn 50 ahead of me and walk into their next chapter with grace, power, and a deeper sense of clarity and confidence.

As I approach this big milestone, one of things I’ve been thinking a lot about has been My Feminine Legacy.

What do I want to want to leave the next generation of women and girls? What do I want to leave the next generation of men and boys? What is the change I’m here to make? And the imprint I want to leave behind?

When I think of these questions, what’s clear to me is that I have a lot of living left to do.

Although I have seen, done, been and accomplished a lot in my 50 years, I feel I am only at the beginning of my feminine legacy journey. I can feel a lot of unrealized potential inside of me.

And, I’ve been hearing this same thing lately from many women, ages 25–80!

We are at a major crossroads. There is a lot of good coming out. We see it through the humanity at the Black Lives Matter protests, the recent convening of the Democratic Convention, the frontline workers combatting COVID-19, families opening their homes to those displaced by the fires here in California, and much, much more.

There is also a lot of darkness. Too much and too agonizing to mention.

At the same time, there is so much untapped potential inside of us women just waiting to RISE UP and become manifest in the world to make it a better — more just and kind — place.

As I approach my 50th birthday, I have been embracing a new archetype within me that awakened in a BIG way at the start of 2020 — and even more so in March when Covid-19 began to change our lives. She is…

The Queen.

Not the “power over” type of Queen. A reimagined Queen. A Queen of her own making — deeply connected to her internal power, her truth, her community and social justice.

She is gracious, loving, fierce, fair, capable and wise — sovereign and the ultimate authority of herself. She holds the energy of mother, leader and goddess.

Have you been feeling her too?

She is a woman who wants to help and grow her community in the true spirit of honesty and love. She wants to help others while living by example, and create peace and justice in communities, cities, countries and the world.

She is being called to RISE within each one of us to carve a new pathway forward.

Do you hear her?

In this next decade of my life, I am committed to bringing forth the benevolent energy of the Queen — along with her fierce clarity for justice — into our culture — our politics — our art — our media — our business — our education — and our health & well-being.

This is part of my feminine legacy.

When you think about your feminine legacy, what words or images come to you? What is the change you are here to create? What is the impact that you want to make? How might your life lived fully create a ripple effect for future generations?

I encourage you to spend some time over the next couple of days journaling on these questions. Women’s leadership is in high demand right now.

As tempting as it is to hide, we need you to RISE.

I know the pain of unrealized potential. It aches. It frustrates. It exasperates.

It also keeps us in a spin cycle of injustice, inequality, war and violence — in our bodies, our minds, our hearts and our soul.

I believe so deeply in women’s leadership. I believe deeply in your leadership.

I believe in your dreams (many of them unspoken). And I believe your ability to create a feminine legacy that will benefit generations to come.

My birthday wish is to support you to unleash your unrealized potential, live your long-held dreams, and create your personal legacy.

I’m on a mission, and it would be an honor and pleasure to support you on yours.

I wish you good health & wellness. As always, thank you for being an important part of this community of changemakers.

Together, we rise. In sisterhood, we thrive.

Tabby Biddle, M.S. Ed. is the bestselling author of Find Your Voice: A Woman’s Call to Action, the co-founder of 50 Women Can Change the World in Media & Entertainment, and a well-known women’s leadership coach, educator, strategist, and group facilitator for her unique approach to activating women’s leadership. Tabby has supported thousands of women to get on stages, launch new businesses, invigorate stagnant businesses, increase their income, step into more purposeful work, build better team cultures, and create social and political change. Need support to RISE? Learn more.