Over the past decade, the popularity of cryptocurrency has skyrocketed, rising to the forefront of public conversation. It has been a leader in building the digital economy and connecting the world through the internet.
It also comes in many forms. Dozens of companies have emerged in hopes of capitalizing on this new trend. A recent study evaluated the most popular cryptocurrency in each state and found very little overlap. Platforms such as Ethereum Classic, Lisk, and Minero are among the list of most popular.
With all these platforms and building popularity, it comes as no surprise that this trend has created several job opportunities for tech gurus across the globe.
The Trend Fits in Many Industries
Accounting, software, and government agencies alike all have some interest in cryptocurrency. Whether they are aiming to compete with this industry or use it to their advantage, they likely have spent time researching in order to better understand this complex platform and how people use it.
Cryptocurrency is becoming quickly embedded in society, accepted as a form of payment in over 260,000 stores in Japan and 80,000 stores in Europe. This includes many popular retailers you know and love such as Subway, Microsoft and OkCupid.
Though this trend is very popular, it is often misunderstood and untrusted by the general public. As cryptocurrency becomes increasingly familiar in society, it is likely that it will become even more incorporated, especially in the US.
There’s A Place For Everyone
From computer science geeks, business analysts to respected journalists – it’s no exaggeration to say that anyone can get involved in this industry. And given the newness of the trend, there’s a lot for everyone to learn. These are jobs that didn’t exist just ten years ago, meaning it’s not something most people earned a degree in.
There’s an available job to fit just about anyone’s niche. Business development representatives seek out new partnerships with industries described above in addition to health care, finance, real estate, and more. Journalists cover the latest news on the blockchain tech in order to inform the public about the latest innovations. Data scientists analyze transaction data in hopes of improving efficiency of the platforms.
Along with the wide variety in job availability is a wide variety of salaries. You can expect to make between $45k and $115k per year, depending on which path your experience takes you in.
Even if you’re not ready to hop out of your current occupation, you can stick your foot in the water with investing in cryptocurrency. Many people from all backgrounds have invested in crypto assets with the goal of driving profits. However, along with the newness of the industry comes a degree of uncertainty with investment – it could result in extreme outcomes in either direction. Regardless of your willingness to get involved in cryptocurrency, there’s no debating that this trend has taken the digital economy by storm. With the constant inventions and additions to our technological world, there is no doubt that we are kept on our toes by changes in the way we live and operate. Whatever the next trend that takes the digital world by storm is, we will always be on the lookout for new opportunities.