Shamans, mystics and many other spiritual philosophers all offer ways to manifest a life of peace and prosperity.
Often we think that in order to attract money, love, health and our ideal life we must find it outside of ourselves. It is deeper than going out into the world and slaying the figurative dragon or conquering the new frontier. I recommend that you consider taking the sword of truth and cut out those aspects of your life that no longer serve your soul’s purpose and your planetary mission.
When you do this, you can make room to attract what is really important in your life.
Everyone has a sword of truth. This sword metaphorically represent your ability to take responsibility for your actions, words and deeds. It also can be effective in helping us discern what parts of our lives we want to avoid.
For example, I’ve experienced challenges with my birth family for many years. I always put my feelings last and my emotional needs were not being met within my family dynamic. Instead of putting my sword of truth to work and honoring my feelings I suppressed with alcohol and avoidance. Eventually it all caught up with me and I got sick.
So what did I do about it?
I created a life in balance by pulling out my sword of truth. I began to cut away those aspects of my life that did not make me feel good.
Like a surgeon’s sharp scalpel, the sword of truth can cut out those parts of our life that do not support happiness.
This should be done gracefully by being forgiving of ourselves and others.
By being kind and gentle with the process of letting go you can get on with the life you are meant to live.
On the other edge of your sword of truth you can expand your field of awareness to dream your world into being. Cutting edge consciousness is when you become an active co-creator of your reality.
For example, the most simple way to expand your field of awareness comes through learning. This can include reading, education, sports and skill development.
What I personally like to do is show up everyday and in every moment like it’s radically new.
Radically newness has a power to shed the old outworn parts of our lives.
Try to approach your loved ones or people at work in a new way. You may be radically surprised how your consciousness expands.
I would also invite you to check out my simple steps to become radically new.