If you long to be a vibrant, expressive, focused, coordinated, aligned & strong dancer: The most important thing to do is:
But: If we are more concentrated, if we need more focus & power than usual. What are we doing?
Yes – We stop breathing. Not completely, but for sure we change our breathing and definitely not for the good. Do you think this habit is helpful? No.
If you need MORE power – if you need MORE concentration you need MORE oxygen. Because you need that extra boost. You want to use your WHOLE super power to solve this situation!! So NEVER suppress your breathing. But what is so easy said is so hard to do. Because you really need to rewire this program. More power never comes from more tension! (does this make sense to you?)
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Choose – in mind – any ballet movement you want. (it could be a simple tendu)
Now -Stand still and breath as freely as you can with total focus on your breath. Now go into that movement – execute the chosen movement. ??????? suppressing your breathing!! Yes, that’s an immense difficult task. And maybe you feel confused. Try it again. Until you feel more comfortable.
The breath is the motor of a dancer – so learn to be aware of it at any time. That’s your ultimate super power!