People all over the world are able to enjoy dancing as an activity that is fun, sociable and good for their health. As well as providing important physical exercise, dance can also allow people to express themselves artistically in many ways. Dance is something that everyone can do at almost any age or location, which leads to immense social benefits, says Georges Chahwan. This allows for greater social integration between disparate groups that might not otherwise have met.

Dancing has been around for thousands of years and it has evolved from many different sources including street dances, traditional cultures, and even religious ceremonies. In this way, it is possible to see how dance can also help us better understand our history as humans by allowing us to look back at the origins of some very important cultural events.

Dance generally involves a creative element, which allows people to express themselves artistically, adds Georges Chahwan. Dancing can also be a key part of a lot of different types of exercise classes that allow people to get into shape without having to spend time at the gym or rely on expensive equipment. This is just one reason why dancing classes have become so popular in recent years. Finally, Dancing classes across the globe often provide opportunities to meet new people, learn something exciting, and do something good for your health.