In these difficult times, maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle is more critical than ever!
The family that gets fit together, stays together. As author Matylda Krosenhauer said:
“The problem is that obesity runs in our family. No. The problem is that no one runs in your family.”
Being overweight is a struggle. It has been this way for decades and unfortunately it is worsening. The pandemic has not helped matters with lockdowns and people inside for many hours turning into weeks and months and no real sense of a light at the end of the tunnel (except hopefully once the Pfizer vaccine starts coming into effect).
And there is more bad news. Unfortunately the obesity issue is becoming increasingly prevalent in the under 18 year old demographic. Even at the beginning of the year (before the pandemic hit) the number of kids in the US who were classified as overweight (BMI in the 85th-95th percentile) was worryingly high.
And this of course further negatively impacts the corona crisis. Cardiologist Dr. Timothy Logemann said that the pandemic would be “much more manageable” were it not for America’s long-term obesity pandemic. Logemann has been purporting for years that escalating obesity numbers impact his patients and society. Pre-pandemic, estimates from the NIH indicated a death of obesity of 300,000 people.
Fitness can come in many forms whether it’s specifically working out or doing rigorous activity outside.
Given all this information, there is no greater indicator that now is the team to get fit and healthy. Bring your kids into the mix. Workout with everyone in your household (from age 3-99), finding an exercise that is adaptable for each age group and capability. And have fun with them. In these times, fun should comprise an even greater part of the equation.