In the face of the complex health situation in our country and worldwide in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing is of vital importance, but this may bring with it new challenges, for example: how to deal with work stress, in rare time, where recreational activities are limited. In this regard, I have elaborated some important points (in my view) that could help to reduce stress despite the restrictions of the new normal.

Photo by Bagir Bahana on Unsplash

First, I emphasize the fact that it is normal to feel sadness, stress, confusion, fear or anger during a crisis such as the one we are currently experiencing. Consequently, it is important to stay in touch (from a distance) with loved ones and talk to people you trust on a daily basis.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle

On the other hand, while we should stay at home and avoid risky activities, it is equally important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Especially in terms of diet and physical activity. In this sense, to cope with stress during the forties, it is advisable to eat healthy and maintain a balanced diet, stretch and exercise at home, rest well, get enough sleep and continue socializing with our loved ones. Especially in older adults, who in addition to being in the highest risk group, should follow the social distancing, but not isolation.

Avoiding drug use

To cope with work stress despite the restrictions, it is likely that some people consume alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs, either for leisure, recreational purposes or to cope with their emotions and evade, think less about work or the problems that society is currently going through. However, imbalances in brain chemistry caused by substances that alter its functioning, leads to emotional ups and downs and, commonly, regret, depression and addiction.

In addition, the immune system is affected. As a result, the consumption of these substances ends up having a diametrically opposite effect to the one intended. For all these reasons, it is very important to avoid the consumption of these substances.

Inform yourself responsibly, check every source and follow every update.

In times when deception and lies are constantly proliferating through fake news on social networks or messaging systems through our cell phones, informing and being informed responsibly and corroborating each source is paramount.

Photo by Elly Johnson on Unsplash

Reduce levels of worry and nervousness.

To deal with stress during the pandemic, and thus reduce levels of worry and nervousness. To this end, the population is encouraged to avoid spending too much time in front of the television, cell phones or other similar screens. In particular, it is recommended to stay informed, but leaving aside all sensationalism and yellowing, taking advantage of the time with everything that is productive and enjoying being with family and loved ones. Overexposure to the news and the immense but often misleading flow of information to which we are subjected is harmful to our health, both physical and mental.

Return to the activities we love and boost creativity

Developing our creativity and doing the things we like most has a very positive effect on our health. And, in this sense, taking advantage of the time that many of us now have is an excellent opportunity to stay strong and healthy. This is the ideal time to resume any activity that we are passionate about and will help us deal with stress during the new normal.

Photo by Cancun to Tulum Shuttle

Keep everything going as normal but follow the health measures.

Many people worry more and tend to be paranoid, I do not recommend being paranoid, but being responsible, keeping the recommendations dictated by the WHO, taking care of the health of the people around us, and continue with our lives as much as possible. In this way we will feel more fulfilled and be more productive while taking appropriate measures to curb contagions.
