2020 deserves our attention, intention and yes, even a little devotion for its tragedies and triumphs combined.
December Intention
I find fulfillment in purpose-driven development, an expanded consciousness, and a heightened awareness of my reality while finding balance in interactions with like-minded thinkers.
I find solace and meaning in my willingness to heal my 2020 wounds. Divine Province happens through my sacred and courageous surrender.
December 2020 Numerology Overview
December is a 7-Universal Month in a 4-Universal Year
12 (December) + 4 (2020) = 16
Reduce the sixteen: 1 + 6 = 7
Numerology Themes of the 7: Divine Providence
● Seeking, Soul-searching
● Higher-education
● Truth
● This is a highly spiritual month
Be mindful of detachment and isolating.
When asking for guidance and help this month… Turn To Your Higher Power.

Numerology Power Days
December 4th – Clear the limitations
December 22nd – Solid foundations
The 7-energy encourages you to buckle down and get focused on what you’ve learned about yourself this year. It’s a wonderful time for reflection, introspection, and mindfulness.
The 7 will push you to go within and really dissect what you’ve discovered about yourself. It is a month for you to go deep, get passionate, and allow ideas to percolate. You will feel connected and passionately driven in whatever you are doing, even if it is challenging.
Ask for divine guidance. Trust the synchronicities. Believe the signs. The 7 is the seeker and is always looking for higher wisdom, divine guidance and direction.
When in doubt, give it to God. If there ever was a month to put your faith into practice, this is it. Turn any struggles over to your Higher Power for divine inspiration and intervention.
You also may also feel a little anti-social, or a little aloof. The 7-energy can be so focused that it detaches and forgets to have fun or that it’s not alone! This can also be a highly self-critical energy.
Watch out for your magnifying mind creating stories in your head that may not be true. Remember, our thoughts create our reality. So, pay attention to the internal voice and where it limits versus expands you.
With this energy, you can go down a bit of a rabbit hole. When you find yourself getting too intense, in your head or overly driven and anxious, lighten up, find your laughter!
It’s been a challenging year, no doubt. Is whatever has you stressed going to be what’s written on your tombstone? Watch a holiday movie, hang out with friends & loved-ones {socially distanced}, but most importantly, create joy and meaning.
The 4-energy of 2020 aids you in putting the puzzle pieces together. Combined with the 7, it can be hyper intense. This is a great energy to clean house {literally or metaphorically}.
Tap into this number code by focusing on what fulfills you spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically while staying grounded in your day to day responsibilities.
December Journal Prompts:
~ Where do I feel a sense of purpose, fulfillment and meaning in my daily life, despite my challenges and pain?
~ What do I truly want? What do I desire? {in closing 2020}
~ Am I taking action towards my wants and desires? Am I willing to share those desires with others?
~ Do I trust other people to aid me in my journey?
~ Do I trust my Higher Power to guide me?
~ Am I willing to give my struggles, grief and setbacks to God to re-work for higher outcomes?
What Do I Believe My Soul’s Meaning Is At This Time And In My Lifetime?

{remember purpose and meaning evolve as you grow, shift and change}
If you don’t know the answer to this or get a strong impression in your heart, ask your Higher Self to reveal this over the course of this month with clarity and a deep sense of inner knowing.
This is the last month of the year. Make it count. The more focused you are in mindfully confronting, processing and healing your 2020 lessons {and, we’ve all had major lessons confronting us with a multitude of outcomes}, the more clarity and divine province you ride into 2020 with.
Ready to face 2020 head-on with integrity and sift through the wreckage and fates with courage and grace?
You don’t have to do this alone. We’ve got you covered!
2020 Closing Intention
It is my intention that I naturally and mindfully integrate the energies of 2019 from my personal and universal experience, opening the door to a freeing, adventurous and dynamic 2021. I trust that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
And so it is.
Namaste 2020.
Numerology excerpts from the 2020 Wise Skies Workbook by Amanda Rieger Green & Tiffany Harelik